
14 July 2010


the namegame is getting hot and heated over at camp patton. We can't seem to find the perfect name for the little lady. Luckily, I did come across some interesting names in Gone with the Wind recently:

She was named Ella Lorena, Ella for her grandmother Ellen, and Lorena because it was the most fashionable name of the day for girls, even as Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson were popular for boys and Abraham Lincoln and Emancipation for negro children.


  1. 1. ella lorena is REALLY pretty! Emancipation? i have never heard of anyone named that. i think that trend must have been shortlived.

  2. haha love it! Love hearing the name game battle between you two.
    Can't even imaaaaagine naming a child the entire famous person's name. why an entire Abraham Lincoln?

  3. Oh the name game. Almost as tough as actually birthing a child.
