
15 August 2010

cure for the common cold person

would have to be: pregnancy. holy wilbur.

(yes pregnancy has also turned me into a man)

I used to walk into any air conditioned establishment and my nose would be instantly numb, my fingers would turn to icicles and I would reach for the resident sweater housed in my purse without a second thought. Being pregnant in the summer with not a day passing that doesn't reach well above 100 degrees has cured this previously pesky ailment. I'm not complaining about my new incubator/space heater status...I am merely making a detailed observation. I am much more of a minimalist these days. I have no need for the following (ever): blankets at night, any food heating devices , sleeves, hot showers, long pants or a blow dryer. Just call me Mrs. Green..Mrs. piping hot Green.

And in unrelated news: I know I'm oh sooo far behind but did I hear my ears correctly when they played "Can You Feel the Love Tonight"??? after Roberto proposed to our esteemed (former) bachelorette? what.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, i would rather be sweating all day every day then to be that awful cold you speak of, something that i deal with on the daily as well. no no fun to know that even when it's hot, air condition will send you into sweater and blanket mode.
