
06 August 2010

wild and crazy

This past weekend, Simon and I put on our spontaneous pants and drove to Kansas City in search of a little adventure.

On our ambitious docket:

waiting in line for one hour in a gas station/restaurant for b-b-q
a little visit to the WWI Memorial (see photos)
Ice cream eating
Comfortable shoe purchasing
Wedding in a park rubbernecking/peeping

The trip was a success and I think our wanderlust has been satiated for the time being. And I'm sorry to disappoint with no photos of the esteemed author but I wasn't able to fit my whole self into one shot and so graciously opted out of all photos shoots. de nada.


  1. Grace. you are going to regret not documenting your pregnant self one day. it's part of the process.

  2. Besides, the friends that DONT see you daily would like to see documenation.

  3. you are the most beautiful pregnant lady that I've ever seen! And I mean that! Wish you were here this weekend. I hung out with Sarah yesterday and I'm worried that I bored her to TEARS haha Miss you!!!!!

  4. i can only assume that simon was reading the sign on any and every sign that stood.
