
23 September 2010

nurse says

In lieu of a Simon Says I will share a little quote from my least favorite nurse from my hospital stay. This exchange is meant for mature audiences earmuff and blindfold yourselves immature readers:

Grace: soo...busy night huh? (it had been a crazy night of baby debuting apparently)

Nurse: (sigh and eye roll) always in September. People go to holiday parties in December...get drunk...have sex and forget to use their birth control resulting in nights like last night.

Grace: (covering Julia's ears) oh. yes...that is...horrible (?)

and on a more kid-friendly and less annoyed note...

While I love Julia and thoroughly appreciate her obvious zeal and zest for life...I sincerely hope that she begins to understand what we earthlings do when it gets dark on earth...sleeeep....and that this will result in a less tired looking Grace. I do love her mohawk though.

I'll try not to post too many photos...I know two times in two days is a bit much.

Birth odyssey developing...stay tuned!


  1. BAHAHAHAH I love it! What a cookie nurse. So true though. She looks so beautiful and I lo-lo-lOVE her mohawk. I will be coming soonly!

  2. oh man i love Julia's face. i totally see simon, and i know soon i will start being able to see you in her too!!!!!

    i cannot wait to meet her in real life and play with her 'hawk.

  3. She is gorgeous Grace! Did the nurse REALLY say that? That is TOO funny!

  4. You look so great, Grace! And mad props for posting while still in the hospital. Wowzers. And also--there is no such things as posting too many pictures... I love seeing your little Julia!!

  5. I'm proud of you friend. Welcome to mommyhood. XOXO

  6. love these pictures of Julia, all awake and alert and adorable. can't wait to get my little Julia fix today!
