
19 October 2010

best friends and womb mates

Here is Julia (the immodest one) and her best friend, Genevieve (I am a little envious of her name). They share the middle name of Grace and recently got together to hang out in their similarly styled nighties. They were born three weeks apart and already enjoy all of the same hobbies: sleeping, crying (this is more of a Julia hobby..I have yet to hear Genevieve cry), diaper filling and eating.

Little old ladies:

In this last photo Genevieve is successfully soothing Julia's crying ways by giving her a gentle touch with her mittened hand. I hope her sweetness rubs off on Julia.


  1. haha i like genevieve's looong nightgown - it looks like something you would pick out for yourself. in the first two photos they look like siamese twins attached at the head.

  2. Those are the sweetest pair of pink ladies I've ever seen. Genevieve was on my top 3 names if we had a baby girl.

    Jessica, you're awful.

  3. They can be in the red hat society together in their golden years!

  4. this is hilarious!!! who's baby?

  5. SO cute! They do look like little old ladies.
