
20 October 2010

daughter: 1 mother: 0

Simon went back to school today and left me and Julia on our own for the first time ever. Julia also celebrated her one month birthday by not sleeping--at all. I think she decided that naps were for all the other babies in the world. I had big plans to gather her little mullet into her first ponytail and to paint her toenails. Unfortunately, Julia made it clear that she would rather squawk, flail about and ensure that I did nothing other than attend to her every want and need. Itfkyfdrdh (whoops...Julia was trying to help and tell her side of the story there..sorry)

Here she is...looking oh so innocent with her too fast for the cell phone camera triceratops arms as I made attempt number two to leave the house with princess J:(this might also be the first time she was strapped into her car seat properly)

Perhaps she missed Simon's stellar swaddling skills:

aka straight jacket

On an entirely unrelated note--Simon and I would like to know what a G6 is? (from one of the hottest hits heard on the radio these days)


  1. Oh my gosh blogspot! Give me my pictures! : ) I hope your first day sans simone wasn't too bad. Can't wait to see you soon!

  2. Oh those swaddles were the only thing to get my baby girl to sleep! GOD SENT!

  3. SwaddleMe swaddlers are money. I highly suggest you invest in one. (Maybe even a back up to give you a little cushion for laundry days) Hew started sleeping 8 hrs straight at 2 mo and 12 hrs straight at 3 months. Not sure if that is solely due to the swaddlers but it was definitely a contributing factor.

    Regarding your G6 ques-chi-own:

  4. love that song. oooo the swaddling. D'Arcy is a phenom swaddler. audra straight up bought ted a straight jacket looking thing.

  5. she's alllll tiny in that carseat. cutecute
