
11 October 2010

goals for the week

Not even a little bit lofty:

1. Go to Mass before noon at our parish next Sunday and not sit in the cry room. I'm pretty positive that Julia has an aversion to all Sunday morning activities as she has been successful in ensuring that we drive out of our way to attend Mass .... in the afternoon ... for the past two weeks.

2. Check out an addicting book from the library to keep me company during the 19+ daily meals Julia seems to be needing at the moment. I'm desperate for suggestions so pretty please....suggest!!!

3. Invent a baby mind reader.

4. Clone a more pleasant during the hours of midnight and six am version of myself.

5. Write Simon the longest thank you note in the history of thank you notes.

6. Remember this little line from the homily yesterday: the best reaction to life is gratitude.

7. Go running for the second time post-baby. This time bring a fire extinguisher for my lungs and try to run just a little tiny bit more than a mile..just try.

and.....happy, happy birthday to my best friend Jessica! Live it up little lady.


  1. Goals are great at this stage of mommy hood. :)

  2. What the heck are you doing even thinking of running before your 6 week checkup??

  3. I think my goal the first six weeks is to get out of my pajamas by happened occaisonally. Books...I LOVED the mystery/romance books by Regina Doman and couldn't put those down - and it's a trilogy : ) Band of Brothers and Count of Monte Cristo are some on my top 10 list too. : )

  4. thanks grace! if anyone can run right after baby...its grace. she is a fit machine.

  5. heyohhhhhhh! read the Hunger Games. there are 2 books after it.

    you're welcome.
