
28 October 2010


to share but that doesn't stop me:

1. I ate an entire jar of peanut butter yesterday. Time to go find the maternity jeans again.

2. The mouse has not taken the trap bait. My house stilts are working out nicely in the mean time.

3. My family will begin descending on the ta tonight. Julia has conveniently and permanently stained (by way of diaper failures) all of her nice clothes just in time for their arrival.

4. Although I have lived here for over a year, I have successfully gotten lost on foot in my neighborhood twice in the past two days. This has resulted in me walking about ten miles with Julia glaring in my general direction almost the entire time.

5. I have been procrastinating cleaning the bathroom for a million hours now. If you have any question about any recent happenings almost anywhere on the internet--I probably have the answer.

6. That is all. Adios.


  1. 1. I prefer Nutella.

    2. Have you documented Julia's first pet in her baby book?

    3. What brand of diapers are you using? I found Costco's brand to have least number of blow outs with Pampers coming in as runner up.

  2. Thank the Lord! I thought I was the only closet pure peanut butter eater! Luckily, I kicked the syrup habit years ago. Oh and if you want to escape your house guest (the mouse) you're welcome over here anytime!

  3. Blowouts are another wonderful bi-product of brestfeading : . Soaking in oxi clean works miracles.

    I'm so glad other people procrastinate in cleaning their bathrooms.

  4. i doubt julia was GLARING...hahahahaha
