
01 November 2010

blink blink stare

1. How is it November already? I was just pregnant and waddling around the neighborhood sweating gallons upon gallons a few moments ago.

2. One of my parents (notmydad) says that the blog reads as if I don't really like Julia. Do you agree?

3. Happy six week birthday to Julia! She is supposed to be social smiling but isn't.(...BUT I still love and like her)

4. Julia has been baptized (said in ominous and echoing voice). She is already better behaved and seems to be a happier baby overall.

5. How is it November already?

6. We took Julia trick or sleeping last night. She was very unimpressed with the throngs of people that descended upon our neighborhood and only drooled a little bit over the 78 dark chocolate Reeses that I inhaled.

7. Happy Family:


  1. I find it very obvious how much you like/love Julia! You're just a realist. (I know because I date one.) Happy All Saints Day!

  2. this is VERY cute! i know you love/like julia. i do love your sarcasm.

  3. such a cute little pumpkin! Next year she will be waddling from door to door. Or running with one shoe off yelling "run run" between every door like our little golfer did:D

  4. Awh! Such a cute little pumpkin! Great family pic.
