
19 November 2010

little boy blue

Presenting our two month old son, Julia...

When I ask her to smile (80 million times in a row)...sometimes she complies...
 but usually she just does this...
 and this...
 We were heading out the door last night and Simon suggested that we top her off with a pink, floral headband to feminize her look a we did. That didn't stop a stranger from inquiring ... "girl or boy??" later that evening (and to be honest...I didn't really blame her).

Have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Wow, 2 months old and already doing the cabbage patch?? Talk about a dancing prodigy.

  2. you crack me up!! Oh my gosh....I applaud you for capturing all those adorable faces though. She is so cute.

  3. oh my gosh so cute! haha all these pics just make me laugh!

  4. ahahahahhahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! HE is freaking adorable!!!! how does she get her tongue out that far??? she clearly didnt inherit your weird, short webbed tongue.

  5. oh my god those are so great. i am sorry had to comment twice. she is awesome. i like the one where her eyes are half closed and her tongue is waaay out.

  6. Ok. Trolling the archives and found this gem. Julia's face. In that first picture. Oh my dog. "I'm putting on my sassy pants. Watch out world!"

  7. Clicked through from your recent Theo post. This is a gem. Julio. I love it. I've literally had my daughter in a dress, with a ribbon in her hair, and had people ask, "How old is he?" Thus I've arrived at my theory: People assume babies are the gender of whatever kind of baby they have in their life. Thus, kids with baby brothers see all babies as boys, and elderly people with granddaughters see all babies as girls. This is my theory, anyway.
