
03 November 2010



1. Ricky Martin meets crack cocaine.

2. Arm flailing, leg stomping adult temper tantrum.

3. Thigh, upper arm and ear lobe jiggling 'dance'.

4. A crazyperson's recreation.

5. Knee slapping, laugh inducing and permanent eyebrow raising by any outsiders.

6. High volume of highly inappropriate hip thrusting, hip circling and hip gyrating.

7. A class I will never, ever attend again after making the fatal mistake of doing so last night.


Onto a more pleasant subject matter:

Aunt Emily and Julia

Simon and daughter Julia

Grace, Julia and nursing cover (thank you to Genevieve's mom for loaning--favorite invention of all time)

Uncles Paul, Andrew, Pedro and niece Julia

A most feminine Genevieve and her boyfriend, Julia



  1. cracking me up. i will never take that class.

  2. haha i tried picturing you taking's definitely....crazy. the guy that taught my class ...WAS ricky martin im fairly certain. his thrusts and gyrating was no joke.

  3. Haha, love that pic of G and J (btw J is way too pretty to be a boy). J just looks really scared of the giant G who is about to nurse her right ear. Poor baby.
    Was Zumba at the Y? Hoping this class was sans Fr. J. ;)

  4. I am laughing so hard. After Zumba last year, I decided not really for me. Maria still braves it. Imagine Aqua Zumba....I would love to read a post about that.
