
27 December 2010

if this were a facebook album... would be titled, "rannnndom"


one of my brothers got a camera for Christmas....

guess who?

naturally, it had to be tested out...
some tests were better...
...than others
adopted Aunt Jessica brought Julia some fashionable jeggings (and let us use this photo)

so Julia put on an immodesty fashion show

Reunited: Aunt Emily and Ju-ju-bear (her apparent new nickname)

Amelia Earhart and Aunt Sarah
Peter, Andrew, Paul and Julia's thorax and legs
during a babysitting session by Uncles Pedro and Andrew

Quote of the day by one of her uncles upon smelling one of Julia's more pungent diapers: "It smells like dead..............................rats."

the end.


  1. How did you get that cute little red bow to stay??

  2. couldn't contain my giggling in the cubicle this morning. sooooooooooooooooooooooo hilariuos. she looks sassy in those jeggins!

  3. rox...what do you mean? she has lots and lots of hair. it clipped right in!!

  4. i LOVE the photos. each and every one of them.
