
10 December 2010

Simon's Simple Request

For his Christmas gift this year, Simon asked for a recycling center for our house (aka--a host of Rubbermaid containers or the like). 

I thought the request was absurd until I found this little treasure trove under the multiple frozen pizza boxes AND plastic wrap, multiple diaper boxes and large diaper genie box piled up against our back door (all of which I am assuming he was planning on recycling but I threw away in an effort to clear a little pathway in the foyer). Yes, I thought the request was ridiculous. Now...I'm not so sure. 


  1. burque has curbside recycle pickup. move here and all your dreams will come true

  2. Corrales does not have curbside recycle pickup. All the "save the earthies" actually drive their recycling bins down to the village hall.
