
27 December 2010

when vacation attacks

a few moments to remember thus far in New Mexicoco...

Julia enjoying her new fave: youtube while Grace procrastinates packing (pre-trip)

Grace's view for the majority of the trip

...she took the wheel just in time for the stellar views of sexy New Mexy

Julia donning her pirate shirt with Grandma Seaton
Simon, Grace and.....................Paul
C'mon Paul! You don't want to do the prom pose with your seeeester and her play doll?

Christmas day stroll down the street

Simon, Julia faceplanted and Grace
Julia's favorite book, "B is for Bear" -- Uncle Dan does the voices y todo 
watch out for mom's wheat allergy

another stroll in Jess's neck of the woods (look closely for Julia's jeggings)

affectionate men and their beasts

Stay tuned for more excitement manananana.


  1. thank you for not posting the terrible ones of me. i LOVE the 5th photo of you and Simon. You guys both look great.

  2. love it!!!! love the faceplant julia.

  3. look at that little chunky monkey. Miss you guys!
