
12 January 2011

excitement abounds

With literally nothing to share with you but still on a crusade to keep the posting alive I turn to the numbered dregs of the well of our vida on with fair warning that you may very well fall asleep mid-read...

1. Simon and I stupidly thought we could live large last night and go see The-The-The K-K-Kings S-Sp-Speech with Julia in tow. She, of course, had other plans for the outing. To start off the evening,  during particularly quiet parts of the movie....she loudly and pungently filled her diaper. She then moved onto a loud formula chugging contest against herself and then decided that rapid back arching, grunting and high pitched squealing were all appropriate behaviors for the darkened theater.  I had the pleasure of taking her out to the lobby for the second half of the movie and visiting with her about the difference between naughty and nice children, inside vs. outside voices and consequences for her poor decisions. Luckily, I ran into one of the three students that didn't loathe all things Grace from last year so ... that was nice.

2. My mom sent me a text last night asking if she and my dad's celebrity nickname should be: Garbet or Betgar (their names are Gary and Bettina)...I said maybe Garina or Bettary? I told you....eventful post.

3. Little shameless familial bragging about one of my little hermanos, Paul...

click on me to read

4.  Well, Julia insisted on being a little lap dog and helping me with this post but my lap is suddenly saturated in a whole lot of wet and so I need to go rectify either: a. her diaper failure or b. my sudden urinary incontinence...

Enjoy your Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. pahahaha. go brother! and i saw that movie with my mom. i thought it was a cute movie and had some really hilarious parts (love dry humor).
