
31 January 2011

julia goes to a wedding

We went to a wedding in Austin this weekend and had a lovely time. The weather was 90 million degrees warmer than it is in Wichita which helped my ever-hardening I hate winter so much heart of icy stone thaw temporarily. Julia was a good little girl for 90% of the trip...she did have an episode (in my presence only of course) that left me thinking she was cutting her wisdom teeth at the tender age of four months...but after splitting a few gin and tonics....we both felt much better.

Julia loved the king-sized bed, cable television and the of course...the room service.

She mingled with some men, showed some skin and broke a few hearts

followed suit with this popular wedding trend and got her mustache on...literally.

enjoyed a father-daughter dance and pawed at her former food source(s)

 watched Simon perform a semi-synchronized dance (and was impressed by the photographer's outfit finery)
We stopped and saw Uncle Andrew at school in Dallas...which was clearly lots of fun.
I still don't get why everyone confuses Simon and Andrew

highlights of the trip:

-having Julia whisked out of my arms on the dance floor by a strange lady....when we eventually found the kidnapper and little J (screaming) later..the lady told me to 'bring her back when she calms down!!'


-riding on the ginormous shuttle all alone to the church with Julia...we were running a leeedle late due to the teething tantrum

-getting flustered in the line up to communion during Mass on Sunday...juggling Julia and her pacifier and for an unfortunate moment...the pacifier made its way into my mouth...luckily I pulled it out just in time so that only 20 people to noticed rather than the entire chapel...embarrassment avoided...I guess

happy to be home in her Christmas pajamas with her best friend Ann
After such an exhausting weekend...Julia is deep into her second nap at 10 am. 

The high for tomorrow is 12 wonderful degrees... Happy Monday to you and yours.


  1. awwww! this trip looked so fun. i love both yours and julia's outfits.

  2. Thanks so much! Nana is satisfied. I will probably open this 10 more times tonight! Adorable photos!! Glad you had such a good time and your hair has never looked so beautiful. xox

  3. You look so gorgeous, Grace! And I'm loving the smiles from little J! Can I please please see her soon? If you're determined to hibernate, I'll be forced to come to you. Your choice.

  4. She is precious. What a little trooper :)

  5. ok this is hilarious. all of it. ya andrew and simone look SO MUCH alike! even more so as andrew gets older. so bummed we couldn't see you in your quick run thru dallas.

    ice storm today. home on couch.
