
10 January 2011

photo glut

After the week in St. Louis sans camera...I'm sure you faithful readers are in dire need of some photo fixes. Fear not! Photo glutton and mother hen here to save the day. . .

Here we have little J looking four feet long after her first spray tan

and here she is again looking one foot short (and pensive)

this is where she drew the line claiming this was an unflattering angle

Destination: Saturday night in Crazytown.... Population: Simon and Julia

zero resemblance but equally thrilled with life and their fancy headgear ( you recanize?)

favorite parent.

Merry Monday to you. Off we gallivant to Florida for a hot minute (or 36 little hours)



  1. hah. ya'll must be POOPED! and she has probably pooped a lot all over the journey.

    hitting up d town?

  2. very very happy to see the headgear put to good use.
