
13 January 2011

Simon Says

a favorite move of ours: he squats down and I run circles around him with my hand firmly placed on his head. always makes perfect sense at the time

after 3 minutes of forehead crinkling..I still have no idea what was going on here
I really need to start toting around a writing utensil and paper to be sure and record all of Simon's funny jewels because he really drops quite a few on a daily basis. Here are a few (though not his finest work) that I caught in my memory web these past few days...

1. Last night I subjected him to a semi-long trip to Target. We had to hit up allllmost every section of the store to get everything on my list. Toward the end of the trip Simon started to ask politely if it was time to leave. . . .jjjjust as I spotted the scented candles on clearance. I decided to take a few sniffs and thrust a particularly smelly candle under his nostrils and demanded that he do the same...after taking the mandated smell he muttered...
"...and with that I just lost a little bit of my manhood...."

2. As we were driving home from St. Louis the other night I decided to take the wheel and let Simon have a shift watching Julia in the backseat. Through my very geriatric driving and slightly inappropriate blaring music I heard him (nicely) tell Julia...
"you are being a little poop that starts with s-h..."

3. After seeing some seriously impressive sewing projects online (including homemade baby wipes...insanity) I started to pout like a four year old and talk about how much of a failure I am in the crafting and DIY departments Simon thought for a moment and offered...
" are REALLY good at surfing the internet"

Have a superb morning, afternoon and evening.


  1. the first time i saw that dance move we were in a very ghetto club in chicago. i think it was at that moment i knew simon was the one for you.

    simon knows you too well. and he is right, you ARE great at surfing the net. who in the world would sew homeade baby wipes?

  2. when i saw that this was the title, i knew i'd be chuckling at my desk. yes--chuckling. because simon gets CHUCKLING right out of you whether you like it or not.

  3. just became a follower! liking your blog :)
