
14 January 2011

trial and error and error and error and error

I finally pulled out my new sewing machine yesterday and decided to attempt this seemingly simple project.... baby sweat pants out of a t-shirt (in Julia's size of course)

 so...knowing that my success would probably require a few attempts...I pulled out several old t-shirts to sacrifice ...
waiting to be slaughtered (with the exception of the baby imposter of course)
Praise the good Lord for seam rippers, Excedrin and a smiley baby to aid in the salvaging of my sanity...

poor Julia let me pour her thighs and diapered bottom into the first finished product: we have VERY low-rise leggings that have procured a muffin top on little J AB-do you recognize the shirt?
made for a talllllllllll baby with a Barbie body. . .maybe if she didnt have to wear a diaper they would sort of fit. maybe.
Next try:
wellll...these were definitely roomier and shorter (please note the recycled rope belt from the previous leggings) and who doesn't want pants that say "ball bask"?
Jncos. Maybe they will fit her when she goes to kindergarten. Maybe. 

I know what you are thinking......
 an Etsy shop is in my future...
...and I couldn't agree more!!


  1. BESTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT laugh i could have on a friday morning!!! that first and second pic of J in the green...dyingdying.lovelovelove.

  2. I'm so glad you had sewing lessons when you were 12. I knew it would pay off someday!

  3. I think you did a marvelous job on both of them. Can you make the extreme low-rise leggings in a women's size 8? Extra room in the calves please.

  4. pahahahhahaah. i love it! i would suck at this project. where ist he green shirt from!?

  5. yeah they turned out GREAT. i would rock those in a freaking heartbeat they look so comfy.

  6. You are sooooo much more courageous than I am! And just the fact that you managed to make 2 legs is amAzing! Way to go!

  7. I would totally wear the green pants...just sayin.
    At least you brave the sewing machine. Mine has been staring at me for a year now...
