
08 February 2011

obsession etc...

Julia has an (in my opinion...borderline unhealthy) obsesssssion with her "B is for Bear" book. When the bottle, pacifier, her favorite piece of scrap material, lullabies (courtesy of my honey-laden singing voice...of course), and rocking chair have all failed to quiet her cries...we can rest assured that a riveting reading of her favorite story will calm her righttttt down. . .
She is always shocked by the surprise twist at the ending..."Z is for the end of the book."

If you are a dog or a small child...I discourage you from watching this clip due to her high-pitched scream-squeals. Don't worry...she is happy...getting herself a little worked up over the fifth reading of her favey fave of the day...

Other scenes from our weekend...our little weirdo trying to fall asleep...
No, I am not nursing again...she has to burrow into my underarm as deeeeep as she can get until she has nearly suffocated herself and then drifts off to dreamland. .. a habit we will be needing to break relatively soon.

and a family photo to commemorate Grace wearing literal golf pants to Mass, Julia throwing her usual anti-camera fit and Simon looking...well....perfect.

oh...and in at attempt to make these puppies for the Superbowl...
 I stupidly didn't wear gloves when handling the jalapenos and ended up with jalapeno juice burns allllllllllllllllll over my greedy little face. 
an hour long nightmare ensued...
Simon was kind enough to capture these in my time of need. He suggested submerging my fiery face in a bowl of milk....which only helped if I stayed I turned to a trusty internet remedy: a beard of baking soda paste which did the trick.

not pictured ... fortunately. 

and...this is my view this morning. 
the weather fairies hate me. 

Happy Tuesdeeeee.


  1. wow so much to comment on.
    #1-love that she's wearing my outfit yay!!!!! i feel like that one came from mrashalls.
    #2-soo sorry about your jalapeno burn. my dad did thtat because he didnt believe us about wearing gloves and a mask.

  2. i think i may have those golf pants! you look great in them. i LOVE julia's laugh and how she sleeps. she looks just like you in that one where you are reading the book and she is looking out the corner of her eyes.

    i am sick but reading about little julia just made it better

  3. She is getting so big. It looks like you guys are having a great time with that sweet girl!

  4. You did not say how the poppers turned out? Was it worth the burn? Cuz they looked awesome and I hear they are only 1points. I would wear I a mask of baking soda for that.

  5. oh my little fat! Every post becomes my "new fave post"...I want to come over and read her book to her! ! ! ! ! And squeeze her cheeks of course, that's what aunties do...
