Sorry I have been "sorely lacking of late" (one faithful follower's words), but there has been a lot going on in Real Camp Patton that I had little time to keep up. I'll spare you all the details, but I can sum it up in two words: Will, Kate.
Anyway, to make it up to you all, I will fill out the years old "25 things you didn't know about me" meme that is more of a Facebook thing but will work here too.
13. We're going to just cut to the chase and run with 13 things. Well 12 plus this filler.
12. I like the color blue.
11. I can make a mean cinnamon roll which basically means I can read and follow a recipe:
10. If my life were a scoreboard, it would look something like this:
Marathons: 4 Biathlons: 1
High School Students: 233 Me: 0
Julia need time: 455 Julia Nap time: 15
9. I like putting up gratuitous pictures of Julia.
giving mom the silent treatment but showering dad with smiles
the laugh-cry
8. I can't take naps. Even when I am awakened early in the A.M.
7. I won the state sewing competition when I was 11. The trophy is still on my dresser. One of those was a lie.
6. My first CD came from a UPC code from my mom's "feminine product". It featured many a party hit, which formed my impressionable homeschooled music taste.
5. I have a bad taste in music. In what sense? All.
Shallow lyrics? Techno beat? check and check.
4. See #9
Julia explaining I should've opted for a pixie cut like she sports
3. Simon recently informed me that I sing "Hush Little Baby" to Julia to the completely wrong tune.
2. If there's a problem, yo I'll solve it.
1. I would never actually fill one of these out. I am not, however, above asking my husband to guest post so I can continue my dance party of one to "Girl You Know It's True" on repeat by Milli Vanilli.
(play it...I dare you not to tap your foot...actually I'm going to go ahead and triple dog dare you)
Clever Sign Off,
G (but really S)