
22 June 2011

the grace and julia no variety show

When we were in Colorado my Grandma generously gifted me with an old dress of hers to do with what I pleased:


 oh. nope. not it.

we are having a little issue with a small someone biting a large someone when a larger someone isn't home
and so this is what Julia and I did for a l-o-o-o-o-n-g time yesterday to try and distract the little cakepop to keep her tantrums and nasty bites at bay
take photo
look at photo
identify "Julia" and "Mom" in photo (I prefer "Mother" but we're setting the bar low at 9 months)
take again
look again
try and explain why biting leads to bleeding which really hurts
take photo
look at photo
 identify "Julia" and "Mom"
take again
look again
try and explain what the word "consequence" means

I think she was maybe switched with a monster at birth...
and by maybe I mean definitely

I would showcase some photos of my wounds but this blog is rated GV for Gratuitous Vapidity not Graphic Violence

ok....back on track with the gifted frock that was softly singing, "I'm not a maxi dress ... but not yet a sun dress...":
(forgive the phone photos in mirror...I laundered our camera along with Julia's clothing in a stupid stupor and I'm praying that it just needs a few days to recover and that it has not actually died)

As usual...nothing terribly fancy:

to the attempted 21 week bump photo...I think Simon was saying something about the neighbors thinking I'm crazy for photographing my clothing all the time...
and when I replied,
"you're a jerk"
he countered,
"no, I'm a truth"

he wins

and for a little surprise dessert we have some notable quotables:

1. At a recent gathering a brand new acquaintance alluded to Julia and said, "she may make some want to have babies but she makes me want to wait at least 10 more years"


2. Out in public...a mere stranger said to Julia, "I just want to KISS your fat jowls!!!"

3. Simon said, "Things have been kind of quiet on the Kelly Clarkson music front lately..."

all I wrote for today

Have a good one.


  1. I want to smack that new acquaintance of yours! You can tell them I said so, too. Do people think they're so funny and charming that they don't also need to consider being nice? Apparently. Grrrrr!


    Your dress is adorable. And WHERE, pray tell, is the baby bump that's supposed to be in that photo?!?!? I see it not!

  2. Simon's comebacks kill me. Wish I were that witty.

  3. HAHA kelly clarkson. kinda reminds me of how much taran brings up hanson, and the jonas brothers. it's kind of worrisome.
