
16 September 2011

mind reader

If Simace's sleep habits could be likened to the birdie/2nd grade science world...I would be a morning bird and Simon would definitely be a night owl. I would be a morning bird that loves an embarrassingly early bedtime and gets up early to beak feed little J and Simon would be a night owl that loves to rapidfiresnooze his way out of a prudent wake up time but can still shower and dress and skedaddle out the door in 26 seconds or less or something craycray like that.
 {photos unrelated}
So you can imagine my shock and surprise when he popped out of bed the other morning at the first sound of his alarm and marched down to the basement for several minutes. 
I assumed he was showering but when he returned unshowered and still donning his nightgown and cap I questioned...

Grace: what were you doing?
Simon: sit ups and push ups
Grace: oh wow. I'm impressed.
Simon: Yeah, I've seen the way you look at me I'm a two ton barge.

so astute, that Simone.
{photos still unrelated}
Have a wonderful weekend, please.

Post Post:
My two current favorite blogs:here and here
the best muffins
remember this song? ha. Julia hearts.


  1. Haha, I am a morning bird myself and R is definitely a night owl that hits snooze many a time before getting up. Good for Simon for getting a little workout time in.. I could use some of that myself..someday.

  2. Simon is NOT fatikins! But he does look very husbanized while walking the white poodle with pink leash. Bless him always:}

  3. Ha! As of late I have been gently..encouraging...Aaron to take up working out. Ahem.

  4. Well, someone had to tell him he looked like a 2 ton barge...

  5. several things. the suri burn book!? shut UP.
    second...two ton barge...really? he's a rail!
