
30 October 2011

Welcome to the World

Sebastian Xavier Patton
Seven Pounds Thirteen Ounces
(in case you can't read neon numbers)
30 October 2011
1:39 a.m.

You know I have 99 million trivial details to share but for now everyone is doing well, loving life, living the dream, eating, drinking chocolate milkshakes and trying to decide who on earth little X looks like ...
(so far the answer is: no clue). 


  1. congratulations, grace!! love the name. he's a good looking little man!!

  2. Congratulations! What a perfect-sized, lovely baby.

  3. I knew it was a boy! LOVE the name. adorable child. congrats!!! : ))) You got your wish and he came right on time. God is good

  4. Oh he is a handsome little fella, the little prince! Once again I love his name. And the names Julia and Sebastian go together so sweetly!

  5. Yay for Sebastian. I love the name and I think he looks like you!

  6. Yayayayayayayay!!!! Welcome to the world Sebastian Xavier!! Love love love the name.

    In half the pics he looks JUST like the patriarch but in the last two, he's a mini-J.

    Um...did you seriously just give birth and not a hair out of place? Your braid isn't even frayed in the slightest.

    So does this mean I'm having a boy?

  7. I just burst into tears at my computer. A leeeetle hormonal over here, apparently. SO happy for you!

    I am eating a truckload of homemade mac and cheese in little Sebastian's honor.

    (fantastic name, by the way)

    Can't wait for all the trivial details! Birth stories are the best.

  8. congratulations! im so excited to have found your blog! Both of your babes are beautiful! Good job mama! And im looking to you for inspiration; Im currently pregnant with number two right now and mine will only be one year apart like yours! Take care and congrats again!


  9. Oh yay yay yay! The Dunlaps send lots of love!


  10. Congratulations! I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well!

  11. adorable!!! love the pics, so sweet!

  12. ITS A BOY!!!!!! G is upset you decided against Felipe. LOVE the name, love you guys and happy happy birthday to little Sebastian, J is going to be a great big sister!

  13. Congratulations! This is so sweeeeeeeeet! I have been wondering when the little one was going to make an appearance :)

  14. Congrats to the whole family :) You look great too... dang girl! I hope I look that good when it's my turn!

  15. Yay Grace! You have a daughter and a son, lucky you!! Bet you were surprised? :) He's beautiful and what a great unique name. Congrats!

  16. Well done, momma! He's darling. Congratulations to your whole family!

  17. Yippeeee yay yay and Congratulaaaaaations! Oh boy, so awesome. And for the record, I was TOTALLY right! Boy time :D!

  18. WAHOOO!!! Congratulations!!!! He's adorably squishy and you look friggin fantastic! I, for one, can't wait to hear all the details. But for now, just focus on enjoying your rib space :)

  19. Congratulations Grace and Simon!! He is absolutely beautiful!!!

  20. Wonderful addition to your family! I am so selfish, I thought, "I hope this doesn't mean she is going to start posting less." although it probably does (and should). Can't wait to read the labor story, and I hope Sabastian brings many, many more hilarious stories for our reading pleasure. Julia is about to have her world rocked!!! Congrats, again.

  21. Congratulations!!!!! He's cute and still too wrinkled to resemble anyone. You look amazing for just giving birth. Good luck over the next few weeks.

  22. YAYYYY!!! Congratulations beautiful mama! Gabe says, "thats a nice strong name." We give it two thumbs up;)
    So happy your you, Simon, and little Julia!
    Gabe and Anna

  23. Oh my gosh CONGRATULATIONS! He is so so so so so cute! And by the way, that is the most awesome name. Seriously. I love that entire name. Way to go mama! Congratulations to all the Pattons!

  24. congratulations girl he. is. perfect.

  25. Yay!!! Congratulations!! So happy for you! I've been checking your blog religiously for news ;) I love the name and think he looks just like case you needed my opinion ;) Love and prayers your way from mine!

  26. It's a boy!!!! Oh, Praise Jesus! He is beautiful and so handsome :) I think he looks JUST like Julia in the picture of you and Simon holding him!!

  27. Oh, he is soooooo darling! What a cute little guy! And you look amazing! Seriously, you just gave birth at 1:30 in the morning and still look fabulous.
    Love his name, it even sounds handsome. :)
    Thoughts and prayers headed your way Grace!

  28. It's a booooooyyyyyyyyy!!! Love his name!! Congrats!!!!!!

  29. you look so fabulous post jealous. everyone looks healthy and happy-can't wait to book my flight!

    plus you have a girl AND a boy now. SO PERFECT>

  30. he's perfect....just perfect. I can't wait to meet him! And I love his little wrinkly newborn face. Grace you look just beautiful as always, I hope I look a fraction of this after giving birth. !!!

  31. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! Soooo cute and LOVE the name! Isn't it the best feeling in the world to finally have that baby out?!

  32. Grace, you're such a beautiful mother!!! Congratulations to you, Simon and Julia, and most of all, to little Sebastian for being welcomed into such a great family!!

    Dinner as soon as you are hungry, for reals.

  33. Yay, a boy!! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all the details :)

  34. LOVE!! Congratulations on Sebastian's arrival and on having one of each flavor now!! So happy for you all :)

  35. YAY!! Congratulations!! I love the name! And you can tell already he is going to be a good boy because he listened and decided to be born the weekend you wanted him to be.

    And he's definitely not an alien! :) Such a handsome little guy.

  36. Yippee!!! How completely wonderful! Baby Jake made me watch the J meets S video like 8 times! I'm so excited for you!! The picture are so great. You look lovely! Many many congratulations to the whole tribe!

  37. Congrats, Grace!! He is so precious. I love his dark hair! That video of Julia meeting him is too cute!!

    Hope you are healing well and feeling good! Can't wait to hear the birth story!

    Hip hip hooray for new babies!!

  38. I think he looks like Simon in the scrunched up face/screaming picture :) Love the name, congratulations!!

  39. He's here he's here he's here! So lovely, mama--both you and your boys.

  40. Aaah, how did I miss this??? Congratulations, my dear!! I just adore his little srunched up screaming baby face! I love teensy little newborn babes. They just make me want to cry. lol

  41. So...I didn't share this initially because it was so close to the miracle of birth and seemed silly. BUT when I first saw this post and showed it to my husband, he looked at the first picture of Sebastian and said: "he looks like his Michael C. Hall"
