
16 December 2011

hairless temples

I think this is a common problem for female toddlers. Their hair seems to be incapable of growing in on the sides, giving them bona fide mullets. Julia happens to be one of the lucky ducklings. Her mullet is really long ... as illustrated above ... and it can be pulled back into an ample tail. But everyone knows the only thing worse than a mullet is a mullet pulled into a tail ... so we gathered the front into an alicorn ... problem solvers be we.

Praise be that we never leave the house ... and that Simon will be home in two hours and thirty minutes. 


ps Kudos to Calah and Dwija!
Read all about it here.


  1. ooohhh my gosh, i love that child. i wish i could wear my hair like that without people judging me.

  2. Once time I put Davy's hair in like 10 or more of those little rat tail things. Then we went to church as a family. There were a few women that looked like they wanted to fight me. Don't make the same mistake I did. Stay indoors. mostly kidding.

  3. I used to put my daughter's hair up just like that and I went proudly out and about! It is cute and babies can totally pull it off!

  4. LE doesn't grow temple hair either. She has quite the receeding hairline!

  5. Cecilia was just sporting this 'do the other day. Tres chic!

  6. Haha. I love her hairstyle! I rock something very similar when I am home alone.
