
09 December 2011


I woke up to Julia s-c-r-e-a-m-i-n-g at the tippity ippity top of her lungs around two this morning which is (fortunately) not typical. Normally Sebastian is the wake up culprit and is clawing at my chest (if we are unlucky enough to have him sleeping in our bed), crying or crying really hard. I knew something wasn't right so I ranwalkran down to her room to find her covered in throw up. Too much informacionay? I agree. It was absolutely disgusting and of course she insisted on clutching (and fully soiling) her fur coat all the way into the bath. If Simon had been at work I definitely would've chucked all of her bedding and mattress and maybe the crib outside to the curb for the garbage truck to deal with this morning ...  so gross. She woke up in a perfectly normal, healthy mood and is back to her usual habits of wearing my swimsuit bottoms as a necklace and my glasses as glasses.


in less gross news this brilliant blog let me share some photos and unexcitement you've already seen

(photos above: 1. stripes strike again 2. same 3. idk 4. idk)


  1. um-you are famous. please continue to be my friend - don't let the fame get in the way!

  2. I would have done the "throw it all away! for the love of God, throw it all away!" move, too.
    Barf is the one bodily fluid I don't deal with very well.

  3. ick. I had a puke-y kid last night, too. i'm glad it was an isolated incident for you guys!

  4. family in STRIPES. love the coordination.

    love J's neckwear even more.

    and of course glad bebe J is a-OK.

  5. Loved seeing you on ANMJ this morning!

    There's nothing worse than walking through the door and seeing that--we've dealt with it twice. Even worse than the poo explosions. And dear god, the way it crusts in sorry! But glad she's feeling better!

  6. What the....a Mommy Street Style feature? FAMOUS!!

  7. Throw up is the worst. Glad Julia is feeling better, though!

  8. Congratulations on your feature! OMG, being stylish has so many perks....

    So sorry about the nighttime vomit sitch. It is the *worst*.

  9. Hahaha AWESOME Grace! Way to go! Also, OMG on the vomit. Yuck. It is the worst. But the WORST. After our wretched experience in September, though, I gotta say that even though it doesn't seem like it, you totally got off easy. But really, what is it about kids puking and then getting totally clingy about everything? You'd think they'd have an iota of common sense, but no, they just want to puke and then bury their pukey face in your semi-clean hair. I've never had a fur-coat-loving child, though, so maybe you're not so lucky. How did you clean it? I would have left it all for the kind garbage man to compact. As far as I'm concerned, money is nothing compared to mom puking on the puke she's trying to clean up.

  10. That's awesome you were featured!!!!!! You inspired me to go all willy-nilly on my ill-fitting clothes and I'm much braver on a sewing machine than I thought I could be! I tailored a 3x maternity top my mom bought at goodwill for me 2 years ago with a rouche in the back to cinch it in. I won't wear it without a cardigan since it's kind of chaotic looking but I owe my creativity to you!!

  11. I'm sorry about last night, but glad Julia is back to her old self. I love those pictures of her...she looks like a cross between Harry Potter & a superhero :)
