
18 December 2011

Sebastian: 7 weeks

what? doesn't every annoying mom give an unsolicited baby update at 7 weeks? 
That's what I thought. Of course!

Well as you can see Sebastian is having a hard time putting on weight, hates to eat and is growing more hair on the daily. He is pictured here (twice) rocking his favorite pair of size six months jeggings ... passed down from Julia.  My strict "eat, wake, sleep" regimen has paid off a total of two times in which he slept six consecutive hours at night. Otherwise, we enjoy a little cock-a-doodle-needy every two to four hours at night ... yay.
Julia acknowledges his presence about once every two days for a brief five second stint but generally they keep to themselves. We're expecting first teeth, first words and first steps any day now ... keeping the expectations low and loose.

All to report ... unless I spring a 7 weeks 3 days update on your lucky bottom ... time vill tell


  1. I can tell he smells delicious! Nom nom the baby....

  2. He looks buff in these pictures. Has he been working out?

  3. I'm trying super hard to remember me, "7 weeks old and another in the house" phase, but my "'nother in the house" was THREE by the time we had our second (hey, don't blame me, blame my upbringing....we didn't convert to Catholicism until second born was a good nine months old!).
    Here's what I DO remember: my best friend came to visit me from Michigan, looked at my "daily schedule" on the board (featuring such things as "bath!" and "arts and crafts time!" complete with EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!), and said, with the wisdom of mothers, "You're going to drive yourself crazy. Go stick your kids in a room, shut the door, and drink some wine.!"

    And I've been drinking wine ever since. TA-DAAA!!!!!

  4. He's so adorable! Look at that smirk! I bet he's gonna be a real lady charmer.

  5. this picture of him cracks me up! He reminds me of the cartoon prince from enchanted when he puffs up his chest and shoulders haha. the smirk tops it off too...ha!

  6. I'm your newest follower! Your blog seems cute and funny, can't wait to read more!

  7. Oh my goodness he porked up!!!! You are working overtime on that little/big guy!! You know he kinda looks like Harrison Ford with the side smirk ;)
