
24 January 2012

cautionary confinement

I think ... scratch that ... I know the highlight from yesterday came in the evening after Simon had left for work and I was changing a notjusturine diaper of Sebastian's. Julia suddenly started choking on the bacon bits that she was eating whilst toddling around my lonely ankles. She quickly turned from red to purpley and stopped coughing. I tried patting her back which normally works but she just kept not breathing and turning colors and I started to get panicky. Very panicky. I somehow performed the Heimlich Maneuver on the little patient which magically did the trick and dislodged the bacon and other bits of delicious looking accompaniments from their trap. Once I talked my heart rate down out of the thousand beats per minute range and made sure that Julia was back to her old self- facial color and all, I turned to finish diaper duty for Sebastian where I was promptly squirted in the face by justurine.

Some lessons learned.

So today, Julia enjoyed meals of tasteless mush, playtime while tethered to my person, and extraordinary amounts of Curious George and the Bunnies speed recitations (to keep up with her penchant for fastfastfast page turning). And little mister Sebastian has not had his diaper changed once.
New found caution, prudence, and boooooooooooring be ours.


  1. Oh my gosh, this made me feel ill. Baby 2 choked back in March (911ambulancepneumoniahospitalstayblahblah) and this just reminded me of that. Ugh, please feel the mommy support coming through the computer.

  2. choking is so terrifying. Glad everything is ok!

  3. Oh gosh!! So scary! And getting peed on only adds to the fun. :S
    So glad J is OK! HUGS!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ok, I NEED to learn the Heimlich Maneuver. That's terrifying!! I'm so glad she's okay

  6. Super thankful she's okay. Five kids and we've had too many of those sort of moments!

  7. Oh boy. My kids have done this to me quite a bit, and it scares the ever-loving crap out of me, every time. My daughter, especially has done this, and managed to give me many premature heart attacks. It makes me panicky and exhausted just thinking about it. I actually had an almost identical situation happen when the twins were much smaller. It almost killed me.
    I'll try to find you that story...

  8. Oh, I am so sorry!! So horrifying. Many years ago one of my babies was choking on a pretzel goldfish. If my husband weren't there to hand her off to while I was freaking out, she may not have survived. Praise God for your good outcome and have a boring day!

  9. Terri-blay! I'm glad Julia can breathe again and that it was justurine. Maybe a pee-pee teepee?

  10. Terrifying. I've had two kids choke. The Heimlich is a must-know for mommies. I'm so glad she's okay! And I did the same the day after: excessive caution and attention. A week later it wore off, mostly.

  11. Scary! Glad the Heimlich worked right away!
    Weird, weird, weird. I had a dream about you last night--didn't even know that could happen when I've never actually met you. I think my car broke down in the middle of nowhere and I was babysitting your kids. Or something like that. Anyways, you were NOT thrilled and I was so embarrassed, because this was the first time we met. (You know, like it's totally normal to let someone babysit your kids upon your first meeting.) ha.

  12. Oh my goodness! That is so scary! I would be insanely overprotective too if something like that happened! Glad everything is ok.

  13. Lotus choked on an ice cube once when she was Julia's age. My brain totally shut down save for the knee-jerk impulse to lift her up, and plop her on Ken's lap in wide-eyed panic. I don't know CRP or the Heimlich, but Ken does, since he's got his first aid certification renewed every few years via his work.

    I must have placed her with a little too much force, because it managed to force the ice cube out, thank God. Almost ten years ago, and I still remember every detail. Including the awful paint color on the walls at the time (Rim Rock- vile!)

    Glad Julia is ok. And I hear that baby urine is really good for the skin.

  14. Oh my gosh how scary!!! Great job on doing the Heimlich! I always panic when I think they might be choking..but they've never actually choked on anything...not sure if I could remain calm enough to remember what to do!

  15. yikes! i'm so scared of choking. two of my siblings choked to the point where they needed to call 911. one had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance because the EMTs couldn't get her to stop. scary, scary stuff! i'm glad she is okay.

  16. Dude! That is frightening. In my lonely single days I never could have foreseen the way that child CPR and the Heimlich would become engraved on my brain. I don't know my own name but hey, priorities.

  17. I'm glad Julia airways are clear and that it was justurine. Maybe a pee-pee tee-pee for next time??

  18. I would've seriously LOST IT. I don't remember a smidgen of the CPR class I took a mere 3 years ago.

  19. So glad Julia's alright! The infant Heimlich manoeuver is a wonderful thing - so simple, but so important. I learned it from a first aid insert in the front of the phone book (yes, I was bored enough that day to read things in the phone book) in my teens, and am glad I did - the next week, I had to use it on a family friend's toddler. They made me godmother of the next kid :)
    And, um... sorry about the pee-in-the-face thing. Ugh. At least he's awfully cute though.

  20. EEEEK!! How does one handle this?? I still am hardly feeding solids to Mr. Almost Eight Months Now because every time he gags I start crying. Does every mother know the heimlich? My heimlich would resemble something I saw on TV once.
    I'm so glad it ended so well (as it were...)
