
04 January 2012

pick your poison

 (I'm sorry I had to insult your intelligence with the 'before' and 'after' labels ... I tried to make up for it with a pretty backdrop for the model)

It had to be done. The curly mull was almost beyond shoulder length.  And so to the tune of the Backyardigans (a failed distraction) and Sebastian's cries I quickly used the heavy duty Cutco scissors to sheer the half cowl.

 I can't seem to decide which is worse 
... the before (fiesta grande) or the after (all businessman all the time).


  1. I cut everyone's hair around here. But not mine. Oh no. I'm no dummy. And since the only two styles I've mastered are "buzz cut/soccer hooligan" or "cockeyed monstrosity that started off as 'just a trim' but ended up with 5 inches gone so it was sorta even", I think I'm smart in doing so.

  2. probably a good call. I look back at pics of G from that age and she was rocking a mullet for sure...but it's wasn't curly, it was a feathery/straight sort of situation. I should have handled it but at the time I thought it was cute. Bonus points: we were actually living in Kentucky at the time.

  3. My daughter's hair grows like this too - nothing on the sides and front but long in the back! I can't tell you how many times in her first 3 years I had to cut off the "mullet". It would make me sad because it was the "length" I wanted to keep but it just looked so bad from the front! Lol! At almost 5 her hair is now finally starting to grow more even!

  4. I fully support the 'after.' You make me laugh a lot...and for that I thank you. Why aren't more bloggers funny? Anyways, congrats on the baptism, haircut, and bun socks. (I'm just doing a quick catch-up here)I wish I could remember how I ended up finding you...I don't remember but I'm glad I did.

  5. I like the short cut, but I also liked the mullet. I resolved the mullet issue with my girls by constantly putting a top-of-the-head ponytail in. Either way, Julia is adorbs!

  6. Mullets as a fashionable statement are highly underrated. At least that's what men all over the Southern US are saying...

  7. It'll grow back super fast, I bet. B had the most awful combover after his baby hair started falling out, so we buzzed it all off and it was back in no time.

  8. I think the after looks really good! I know I said before not to cut it, but I was w-r-o-n-g. I like it!

  9. Dying laughing. It had to be done...but it's still sad...and hilarious.

    I just cut The Pup's shag too. He was not nearly as cooperative this time. Let's just say it's artfully ragged....

  10. Hey, I had a mullet until I was 9. Only I called it a Carol Brady. :)

  11. bahahaha. i think it had to happen, and i don't think she looks like a businessman. nope, you're good.
