
04 January 2012

sibling love

I recently noticed that due to all of his lounging and reclining, the back of Sebastian's head is almost completely flat. Simon even took a gander and agreed with my diagnosis. So I confidently prescribed less lazy lounging and pulled out the Bumbo for him to enjoy in the hopes that his head would round back out to a normal shape.  

Obviously someone couldn't handle Sebastian holding court from her old throne and was a smidgen on the jelly side. And despite my best efforts to explain that she gets to do big girl things like sleep through the night, wear size three diapers and carry Sebastian's diapers to the trash, she still tantrumed away.

It was all funny and laughy until she very seriously tried to physically remove him from the babylazyboy. I stifled my laughter and simply moved him to a higher surface out of her reach ... which sent her even more over the edge ... if that was even possible. 

Just a little exclusive peek at what keeps me young and fun these days. 
De nada.


  1. Hahahahaha...her face is priceless. He's just looking at you like, "Feel free to do something about this crazy lady, anytime now."

  2. Howling! Grace and Daniel all over again.......

  3. Sebastian's expression is priceless. He's so chill.

  4. yes, sebastian's expression in all three photos does not change a bit, so hilarious. and i like what your mom said, 'grace and daniel all over again' that makes me laugh and imagine you being a little bratttt

  5. Wuah! Order prints now! This is character-building for Julia. ;)

  6. Clarissa and Veronica make that same face any time one has a toy that the other wants. I saw much of it yesterday.

  7. oh goodness. do we think she's entering the terrible 2's a little early?

  8. Oh my can I relate with this! Ours is a little more physical here...lots of wrestling when someone has a toy/food/anything the other wants!

  9. I will look at these pictures every time I think it's a good idea to have another child. Because they're FREAKIN' HILARIOUS. I know it must be obnoxious at times, but you're a very lucky mama. Enjoy them! I love that you see the humor and the love even in the midst of chaos.

  10. haha...the third pic is my fave!
    oh julia!

  11. Regan did the same thing when we pulled out the "mum-mum" as she calls it, it is her favorite place to sit even though her 22-month-old bum barely fits. And she definitely gets jealous and upset if we put the baby in it! Julia's face in the last on is awesome, she is serious about getting him out of her seat!!

  12. bahahahahaha omg she is so dramatic and he is so chill... how did you get two opposite ends of the emotional spectrum in 13 short months? Love it!

  13. This is heartbreaking... simply because we have the EXACT SAME TRAUMA at our house. I'm living that dream, or some variation of it. Good times, good times.

  14. Just LOOK at that face. She is so stinkin' precious! And he's all..."What? Is there something going on?"


  15. I don't want J and Sebastian to grow up deprived..please share this magical day with them. The birth day of Mr. Bill Godwin, 2265.

    And a Happy New Year to Los Pattons!

  16. Hahaha, I love how completely undisturbed by Julia's hysterics Sebastian is. He's all, "Meh... women. Strange creatures. Now about that food..."

  17. Hahahahahaha! Oh, golly. I love it. These pics are keepers for sure! It's only funny to me now because I'm about to go through the same thing in a few months.

  18. i used to wait until collin crawled over to the stereo and then i'd turn it up full blast when my mom wasn't looking...oops!

  19. Oh boy, she looks mad! ha!
    How's that 'big girl' stuff working out? I keep trying to convince my almost-2-and-a-half-year-old that he's a big boy so he can go pee on the potty and stay in his bed all night long. Not going so well...
