
18 January 2012

Simon Says

Simon and Reed getting their happy on

After Julia fell down the stairs on my watch, Simon said, 
"I'll be keeping this incident in my back pocket for when I screw up the child rearing."

After I asked Simon to find a shirt at Target to complete the birthday present loot for one of Julia's friends, Simon innocently asked, 
"oh sure, like one that says 'princess' or something?"

Regarding a blemish on his forehead, a frustrated Simon unenthusiastically said, 
"I look like a unicorn."

While on the phone during one of his night shifts, Simon not so happily said, 
"I'm on my way to the ER to see a lady who claims she is emitting a smell that leads her to believe something crawled up inside of her and died."


  1. Hahaha, Ben is busting up laughing over here! He told me to tell you to tell Simon, "Ahhhh...the beauty of being a surgeon means no pelvic exams for the rest of my life. Good luck with the dead rodent, opossum, or whatever it was."

    Seriously though...that's gross.

  2. Oh Jesus that last one had me cracking up in a serious way! SO gross!

  3. Simon Says days are my favorite.

  4. no no no no no no nooooooo. crawled up her and died?! this is the most disgusting thing i've ever heard. how long has she been out and about whilst feeling this way?! ew.

  5. (as usual!)
    That picture alone cracks me up!

  6. hahahaha. Humor seems to follow you two wherever you go.

  7. Oh dear. (Regarding the last one.)
    I take it you're not a fan of princess shirts either? It's so hard to find cute and classy kids clothes these days! I mean, that don't cost a fortune.

  8. That last one is the very reason I could never go into a medical field. Period.

  9. She's going to the ER....BECAUSE SHE HAS STINKY GAS?!?!?!? Holy cow. That is terrible!
