
08 January 2012

thanks Sebastian

  for the shoulder flare that adorns every single one of our shirts, for pushing me to up my daily laundry quota, and for keeping us humble when we repeatedly venture out in public donning your latest ornamental feats.

(Yes, we've heard of a burp cloth. We just like to play with fire and obviously we generally lose the game.)


  1. I really love the first two pictures. The first one is so sweet and then the second one shows reality.

    Burp cloths were no match for my spitters. I rarely made it through a day without changing my shirt at least twice, until the girls were a year old.

  2. these pics crack me up because i definitely walk around (in public. at work) like this. one trick i have learned? i try to wait to put on my last layer until i am thisveryclose to walking out the front door. it is the only way i can save my outfits.

    happy new year!


  3. You two have a good sense of humor! I'm so glad you're laughing about it and enjoying parenthood. xox

  4. heh hehh. i gave up after a few wks of frantically grabbing/searching for a burp cloth. eventually it was....oh, more? thanks, lovey.


  5. haha! love it. This is quickly becoming a staple in my fashion sense now, too! And I have a huge stack of burp clothes, just never seem to have one when the spit up comes...

    Meggy from Chasing Davies and Chasing Babies
