
06 February 2012

Guest Post: Sheila on Event Planning

Please welcome the darling Sheila as she graciously pops over from her blog, The FailteHouse, and writes about two worlds that are completely foreign to me: event planning and Las Vegas.
 I'm sure I'm in good company when I say that I am a little to a lot e-n-v-i-o-u-s of Sheila's island living locale

but we'll move onward and upward to the goods
Hi!  I am so excited to be over here posting on Camp Patton!  Her witty writing and hilarious pictures make her one of my favorite morning coffee reads!

When Gracie offered me the opportunity to guest post, I was thrilled.  But what to write about?  How about somethings I don't talk about on my blog - my job in event planning.  Considering I just got back from Vegas last night, it's information fresh of the press and just for you :)

Here are some Don'ts and Do's if you happen to be event planning in Vegas:

1. Don't wear heels, trust me.  You might look like a professional powerhouse for the first 8 hours, but if you think hobbling around the large hotels and casino floors with a foot full of blisters is classy for the last 72 hours, think again. 

2. Don't stare at your phone and try to answer all emails flying inbound, while running from point A to point B. A couple things could happen:
A) You run into elderly people who click their tongues at you as you walk by and you might hear them complain about how the young are so rude these days...  OR B) You could magically weave in and out of all the young and old who are mindlessly meandering the casino floor as you reply to emails at lightening speed, but run into inanimate objects...awkward.

3. Don't assume a restaurant is classy because it has a nice name. You might just go inside and wonder if the lovely waitresses forgot to don their shorts for the day.  This might not be good for clients....

4. Don't order a limo to spare 14 people from walking .2 miles, it will be the most expensive memory purchased :)

1. Do watch a Vegas show, if you are lucky enough to spare a minute from work and especially if you are there for fun!!!  (I was blessed to watch my first show, Le Reve, and was beyond amazed).

2. Do carry your computer, power chord, phone charger, back up phone charger, paper, pen, map, lighter, snacks, and 10 itineraries at all times. Vegas hotels and conference spaces are huge! You do not want to walk 2 miles back across the conference, down the windy hallways, up 3 elevators and down 3 more hallways - to get something your forgot. 

3.  Do create relationships with all the helpful hotel staff, believe me your job will get so much easier!

4. Do dress for success :)

5. And do make sure you eat at least one solid meal a day. Event planning can get hectic and it is easy to forget to eat. Who wants to stand in line waiting for food, shaking and feeling you might pass out if the kind waitress does not get you saltines to hold you over until your food 5 minutes. {That may or may not have happened ;) }

Well I hope those tips and tricks for event planning in Vegas were enlightening - or simply entertaining :)
I hope to see you at The FailteHouse soon, where we talk about island living and fulfilling your dreams!


  1. What beautiful, beautiful images! I wish I was organized like this...sigh...=)
    Kristina J.

  2. i run into inanimate objects constantly.

  3. Shoot. I come here for the pictures. They never, ever disappoint, it doesn't matter who's posting. Every single post/guest post I've seen here has the most gorgeous pictures.
