
02 February 2012

Simon Texts

I received the following as I was walking into Endow yestereve:
(hence the attempted potty training as she enjoys pulling this little stunt during nap time as well)

*family friendly blog censoring


  1. As bad as this sounds to have to sleep in. A one piece bathing suit keeps those diapers on for a bit and when they learn to get the one suit off. Try two one forward and one backwards for the toddler that refuses to actually train and still tries to remove diaper. Poop and crib rails and little hands is the nasty experience EVER!

  2. I think that makes me want to vomit! Lucky you.

  3. ha! i love it. and that simone got to witness this.

  4. I've run across a couple of suggestions for this diaper removal by child situation. Duct tape. Put the diaper on backwards. Put sleepers on backwards. Um, that's all I can think of right now, but I haven't had to try any of these yet. We are in the throws of serious potty training with Rose now and I actually don't mind if she runs around semi naked if I'm keeping a close eye on her. Oh, and never trust silence. Never.

  5. Between The Jude and John-Luke, we've had every surface of this house covered (and, at times, painted) with materials better left in a diaper.

    I can't figure out why people don't want to come visit....

  6. Hahahaha! Goodness! Save this pic for when she is 16!!

  7. Your family friendly blog censoring is my favorite thing right now. Makes me laugh every time.
