
26 February 2012

three out of one million

While we were waiting (and waiting and waiting) for Simon to return home from work this evening ... I dragged the offspring outside to try to capture a sibling framer. I was obviously wildly successful.

We did manage to snap a mediocre Senior portrait.

And I wonder why our next door neighbors of nine months have yet to make eye contact with this house mouse and her docile meece.


  1. Totally digging Julia's hair bow, and the mary janes too!

  2. These are so funny! I often wonder how many throw aways fashion bloggers and the like have with their self-timer pics. I love that you post some of yours. Also, Sebastian's imperturbable facial expressions in the majority of your photos bode well for him sharing a future with his big sister. Hopefully this predicts an unflappable cool in the (literal) face of chaos...

  3. omg! is that a smile on J's face?!

  4. Well you all look stylish and well dressed. That's a bonus in my book of umm, cool bonus things.

  5. Haha it looks like Julia is diggin it! Super cute! But where is Lucy?

  6. ha that last one totally looks like kim jew. remember the hopping sequence? oh man.
