
26 March 2012

the Chia effect

As a result of my hard fought Chia crusade ... Emily smartly dared to try the wonder drug of the Aztecs and then sent me an email with the following subject line that made me do my bi-weekly smile crack and eventual laugh out loud. . .

I just really wish she would've attached a photo.

*I hope Gmail is just being stupid and thinks that Chia is short for Chico's (house of fancy fashion) ... or else we're going to need to have a little chica chat.


  1. I think it's a matter of the archeological record that the ancient Aztecs found bugs-in-the-teeth to be an aesthetically pleasing look.

    Right before they cut the still beating heart out of your body and kicked your soon-to-be-corpse down the stairs of their sacrificial temples.

  2. All of you crazies are just trying to get me on your wacky bandwagon, aren't you???

  3. I'm considering the Chia effect but I get confused with Chia Pet. Like am I going to sprout grass? Will my face become unnaturally smooth and terra cotta colored?

  4. Man, I was totally dragging this afternoon. Like got hit by a spurt of fatigue where I was ready to hit the hay at 4. Then I had my chia seed smoothie with peanut butter, strawberries, a splash of honey, spinach, chocolate weight watchers shake mix, and almond milk. So flippin' delicious and it totally woke me up. Seriously, it tasted just like a Snicker's bar. I may have to post the recipe soon.

  5. My husband does have a picture which will serve as some sort of blackmail in the near future I'm sure.

  6. My MIL doesn't care for them because they swell up and get stuck in her teeth. Of course this leads to flossing, which you can say is another benefit to chia seeds.
