
13 March 2012

It was eighty one degrees yesterday . . .

so I'm glad Julia was able to take advantage of the rays and be a mature and frolicking toddler for 39 seconds before she realized she had broken from her character's theme of the week: infectious happiness.

...stilllll curio why we've yet to meet our neighbors. very curious.


  1. Oh dear! Glad you're able to enjoy the nice weather! She's adorable even if so upset...

  2. We have two neighbors who, after two years, STILL haven't met. I've even gone over there to introduce myself. They're never home. However, it has been passed along to me that they're happy we live in the "gully" side of the cul-de-sac, so our house is almost entirely obscured from their view.

    Which, now that I think about it, probably works in our favor.

  3. Can I just say that sucks! Your neighbors are probably trolls with that weird sunshine allergy. That's their excuse not bc they're not instantly charmed the antics of your offspring.

  4. If you were my neighbor, Grace, you'd never be able to get rid of me!

  5. i love her outfit. crying and all.

  6. I second the appreciation of the cute outfit! She looks adorable.

  7. Poor baby J, hope she's better, SOON!

  8. We were just talking the other day about how Sebastian is a cute cryer in all of his pictures.
    Julia on the other least she's a cute dresser! Seriously though, buy the girl a pony or something! She's breaking my heart!

  9. Cute pics...Hope she gets better soon :)

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  10. How could you cry like that with a cute little yellow bow in your hair?! Poor thing.

    And eighty one degrees?! WOW! Lucky lady! I think I may have forgotten what that feels like...

  11. love the shoes.

    ps i felt like this yesterday too.

  12. oh my gosh!! That second picture is hilarious! I definitely feel like having a melt down like that on a regular's just not socially acceptable for me to do so in public.

    ps. love the outfit
