
22 March 2012

lost & found

Lost: food chopper blade and wine glass
Found: in the bowels of the dishwasher. together. (not pictured, too exciting)
Crisis: barely averted

Lost: the entire contents of my underwear drawer
Found: outside the front door - as in outside outside. (not pictured, you're welcome)
Crisis: maybe averted ... the time lapsed from when the unmentionables went missing to when they were found is unknown

Lost: the suspected loser of the previously mentioned items.
Found: (always) scampering up, down, and all around our neighbors' wheelchair ramp
Crisis: rarely averted as her stomps always sound their alarm and potentially result in yet another conversation explaining that he (with a hair bow) is actually a she (with a hair bow) -- still -- just like yesterday -- and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that ...


  1. ps. my favorite (slightly over-dramatic) time of the day is when i get to open my reader, skim through the blogs, go from heart-warming, lovely blog to another and then hit yours and laugh because the insanity and annoyance nearly mirrors my own life.

  2. Moo gets mistaken for a boy on the regular...even when she is covered in pink. covered. I do it on purpose too to make sure she is a girl. It doesn't work.

  3. Yeah, I thought I had lost mine for a minute, yelled frantically in the backyard, and then found him glued to the television moments later... Obviously he can't answer me, lest we risk interupting the Wiggles mid-song. No unmentionables were involved this time, but I'm glad to see that I'm in good company. Ps. You are hysterical, I love reading your blog!

  4. hahaha...oh my goodness. i found a new, soon to be proven way to flat abs after pregnancy - reading your blog. i hope my girls are just like julia.
    still laughing (and glad you got your undies back),

  5. We had a neighbor bring one of ours back once. He was found a street over.
    In my defense, it was Ken who had been "watching" him.

    I'd almost rather have the entire contents of my underwear drawer tipped out on my front porch.
    Almost. My underwear is kind of ratty these days.

  6. was it the "so good it's bad" underwear? cuz you know that's what us mom's wear. that would've been awesome, awesome.

  7. Isn't he so cute and naughty, what this his hiding and his dumping! You must be so proud. Of him.

  8. Hilarious! Seems like such a joyous age!

  9. Haha, isn't that so annoying!! I used to get SO offended when old people would call my decked-in-pink-and-flowers girl a boy. Eventually they stop once they get more hair :)

  10. HA! The Pup steals my underwear too. Kids are so strange.
