
06 March 2012

to the parents that say they could never pick a favorite child. . .

I'm going to go ahead and call your ridiculous bluff.
Right here.
Right now.


  1. Aaaamen. Sadly, my favorite child is equally obvious.

  2. I can pick a least favorite.

    Just cleaned poop off 4 walls of the bathroom, and no, my child is not ill or too young to know better.

  3. Ya know, I really thought my dear daughter would take first place tonight. I reeeeeeally did. The boy pooped on the floor and took his diaper off about 800 gazillion times today, but Sundance just threw the most awful fit, as we tucked her in, so I think I'll call today an exhausted tie...

  4. Btw, favorite thing husbands say when babies throw horrific rip-my-ears-off fits..."Why is she doing that?"


  5. Okay, but imagine this....the two of them doing school work: Her, pushing herself to learn it super fast and get it all right and be done before lunch. Him lollygaggin' about, staring off into space, asking you to explain to him why he even needs to KNOW this lame stuff anyway, drawing a picture of Mickey Mouse peeing instead of solving the dang problem. See? Favorite is a tricky word once they get older! I have a favorite for mornings and a favorite for school work and a favorite for awesome imagination and a favorite for sweet words- it just takes longer for to find the "favorite" label for some of 'em :)

  6. impossible to pick, both so cute!

  7. Whichever one I've wanted to feed to wolves and/or sell to gypsies LESS that day is "favorite".

  8. The quiet one is the winner. Always the winner.

  9. Oh, it's so not fair to judge in the toddler years. :) He's practically taunting her with that smile behind her back. LOL

  10. My neighbors are probably wondering what I'm laughing at.

    Please tell me you're saving all of these photos to make a wall mural for her Sweet 16...

  11. haha you are hilarious grace. Love this!
    Molly B.

  12. i KNOW my mom picked favorites. i just wish she'da picked me .... haha. love these pics.

  13. HAHAAAA!!! aaaaa-MEN!!! I tell everyone that the reason I keep having children is because when the older model gets annoying and pissy all the time, I have a brand new and adorable replacement already cooking :)

  14. Well, at least you make me hopeful that my second won't be the same experience as my firts...

  15. hahahahahah! Were these two faces really taking place in the same shot?! TOO funny! You are able to capture the best moments, Grace!

  16. Hahahaha!! That's exactly how I felt shortly after I had my Little Miss. She was just so sweet and cuddly. And my Little Guy was a MONSTER. lol Now that they're both monsters, they're even again. =)

  17. Bahahahaha, I love your bluntness!

  18. did i ever bestow the proper amount of thanks and adoration for this post? because it's well deserved. we all know it, few admit it.
