
02 April 2012


My sister Emily: 1
My mom: 0

Hopefully you pulled off an equally successful prank in honor of the inaugural April dia.


  1. Oh my! I pretty much forgot what day it was, but that's a good one!

  2. Tears of joy I take it? I remembered that it was April Fools once but didn't prank anyone. I'm fun like that. ;)

  3. Is it weird that I think this is hilarious? Please say no.

    My facebook was blowing up yesterday with pregnancy announcements- I'm still waiting to see which ones are real.

  4. Hahahaha...oh priceless. Then again, I've already promised my daughter to a nearby convent, so no worries there.

  5. Hilario! I got taken by a facebook status that read R.I.P. Angelina Jolie. I nearly fell out of my chair before frantically googling the news, and then promptly feeling like an idiot 30 seconds later once I realized.

  6. Hahaha! That's hilarious! The best part is she fell for it and then tried to push it off on you too! :)

  7. ha ha! Catholic version of an April Fool's Day prank since, most likely, only a Catholic mom would actually believe it!

  8. lol. I lamely announced at breakfast 'my water just broke' and then continued eating pancakes.

  9. I convinced a friend that I was asked on the Dr. Oz Show to explain NFP as a natural alternative birth control on a Woman's Wellness Episode. She immediately started giving me advice, asking when the taping was, etc. It was funny.

  10. I usually don't fall for these, but I did fall for a friend's fake pregnancy announcement. They had a picture of a fake positive EPT and everything! Gotta admit, I was bummed to find out it was a joke..... :)
