
04 April 2012

All I did today

After I declared war on toddler and baby whining and got my act sort of together this morning but before we hit up the almighty Costco we stopped to see Simon for some fortifying cafeteria food.
While dining al fresco we ran into one immobile goose and several serious speed walkers -- which is where you might think the excitement boat decided to dock.

A frantic and drawwwwwn out search (that led Saint Simon into the super appetizing bowels of the trashcan) for a very hungry Sebastian's bottle (wedged between Julia's back and her car seat -- when will she learn exasperated English?!) capped the 38 minute visit off jussssst perfectly.

And because you're falling over yourselves to know -- Costco was lovely -- complete with the observation and question, "boy and girl? you're done, right?" from the same cashier that asked the same question on our last visit. Yes, Costco was lovely -- and I was embarrassingly proud of myself for surviving the important sojourn until we got home and I went to change Julia's diaper. And I came to the more embarrassing realization that I had failed to purchase the diapers we realllllllly needed. So -- Julia is currently napping, sucking in her tum, and wearing a scandalously teeny leftover size 1 diaper. Hopefully she keeps her diaphragm breathing to a minimum like I instructed her to do -- in exasperated English.


  1. I love reading your blog, it reminds me what life was like for me almost exactly 1 year ago!

  2. See that second picture of Sebastian? You know what he's saying in it? No? I'll translate: "Hey there, Stalker Cari. I notice you're noticing how green everything is here. And I notice that you're juuuuuuuust about to type something about how green it is here and how notgreen it is there. Since everyone who reads Mom's blog is sort of sick about your griping, I'm going to clue you in here- God does not like New England. That's why every year He makes sure it stays dismal and grim for as long as possible. So keep staring at your bare trees and your 2 tons of winter clothing sitting by the back door and just embrace the horror. But stop remarking on it here. Ktnxbye."

    That child has some seriously meaningful looks.
    Hey, it's really green there!

  3. Ahhh! I HATE when I go to the store, for diapers, and leave with everything except diapers. At least you made it out of there with most of what you needed and only having to explain your life choices, two times, to the same person. Silver linings, right?

  4. I just think it is super cute that you met Simon at work for cafeteria food. Grace=good wife.

    (not that their cafeteria food is bad, I am sure it is superior to SBs selection, it wouldn't take much)

  5. I'm impressed. I can't manage to get in a dress even for church, much less a weekday.

  6. You could always respond "nope, just found out I'm expecting triplets!" and move on?? :)

  7. I love the way Julia is looking at the Reeses Peanut butter cups. I have the same expression. :)

  8. Suck it in Julia! My Liam is already wearing Costco size 3, though they are giant on him. We upgraded from size 1-2 so it would hold more. The kid constantly goes.

    Meggy from Chasing Davies and Chasing Babies

  9. ugh! that question - "you're done, right?" - must drive you crazy!

    sebastian's getting SO big & i love your outfit!

  10. You seriously should write a book! I always laugh my butt off reading your posts!

  11. Nothing makes me more annoyed than forgetting something at the's such a pain in the a$$ to load the kid(s) in the car...I can't imagine with two! Also, people are so obnoxious- why aren't people taught baby-question etiquette???

  12. in stitches.

    ps, your outfit is great.

  13. The way Julia is looking at the peanut butter cups is the same way I look at peanut butter cups... with longing and drool.

    Last weekend Phil and I wanted to get strawberries from Costco, but decided we were willing to pay more to get them from the grocery store since that meant we wouldn't have to deal with the people at Costco. (longest sentence ever)
