
03 April 2012

uno, dos, tres

I didn't realized Sebastian knew how to actually use the walker -- much less back his thing up across two rooms and directly into our hazardous forest of one -- but he can and he did -- according to this photo series taken in reverse and restaged order. I don't know how long he quietly sat under the fallen hazard before Julia alerted me that 'bash' had been in an accident ... but I think he'll survive.

To be filed under: insaaaane events that punctuate our always unpredictable day. I know.


  1. shoot, he don't give a what what. he's chillin with them jungle leaves atop his head.

  2. I think he did it on PURPOSE. I mean, that's some prime entertainment right there!

  3. Ha! He doesn't seem to mind at all.

  4. HAAAAAHAHAHAA!!!! That is awesome :) If it had been my son, he would have been screaming bloody murder that something was touching him without his express permission...

  5. He doesn't seem a bit phased! I'm with Dwija, maybe he did it on purpose!

  6. That's so funny. Sebastian is the quiet king of surprises. He seems to happily let Julia take all the attention and then just go his own way.

  7. Another plan to camouflage himself and jump out and scare Julia thwarted again. Revenge won't be his until he can walk.

  8. This is hysterical. I love that Julia calls him Bash. I can't believe how big he is, wasn't he just born like yesterday?!?!

  9. he is so cute. And I think the nickname 'Bash" is awesome :)he could go far with that.

  10. oh my gosh! this is hilarious! he seems like such a 'go with the flow' kid!

  11. Oh my goodness! He was probably having so much fun playing with/eating the leaves. Love that Julia calls him "Bash."
