
03 May 2012


I don't think I need to explain why I hate that Julia's absolute favorite morning, afternoon, and after dinner snack is an entire can of "biz! biz! biz! biz!".


  1. That makes me barf a little bit.

    Baby 2 just walked in, saw that picture and said, "Baby's eating fooood! Share?" SO apparently he wants in on the biz action.

  2. Oh my word, how funny! J's favorite food right now are Squishers from Trader Joes (the yogurt in a tube things), but they have to be frozen, NEVER from the fridge. Funny how they get stuck on something :)

  3. holy cow. does she have any ... bowel issues post biz?

  4. At least that's pretty healthy. The twins have developed a horrible Cheeto addiction that doesn't seem like it'll be kicked any time in the next year.

  5. Hahaha, that is amazing.
    On the other hand, it will probably give her some sort of immunity from the side effects of beans in the long run.

  6. No, I don't think you need to explain why. But is it wrong that I still want you to, just so I can laugh a little longer? :)

  7. Yea, biz! My four year old loves re-fried beans... he will eat almost the entire can on taco night. The first time he did it I sat in horror thinking about the after effects.

  8. My sincerest apologies to you and your nose....
    Just one question:How did she ever get her hands on those beans to begin with?

  9. Not that this makes you feel better, but it could be worse--like say, a pint of blueberries....just sayin'. My boys went through bean phases too, and oh, the agony!

  10. May your child be a feminine child. With high fiber intake and a healthy digestive tract.

  11. hahahaha! how weird that out of everything it's beans she craves. smart girl. smartfart girl.

  12. Ben's the same way. He loves all forms of legume including but not limited to: beans and (especially) lentils. I love and hate it.

  13. I wish my kids would even touch a bean. Lucky you!
