
16 May 2012

Simon Says

Simon said, "you take way too many pictures."

After listening to his hypochondriac wife complain that she thought she had a fever, Simon said, "maybe you're teething."

While watching me and Julia play nice then mean then nice again Simon proclaimed, "Grace and Julia, the ultimate frenemies!!!"

After observing Julia and Sebastian's morning wake up behavior this weekend, Simon said, "if the kids were pets, Sebastian would be a cuddly puppy and Julia would be a very temperamental cat."

Due to a little tiny communication hiccup over what Sebastian was supposed to be wearing, Simon dressed Sebastian in a plaid short sleeve shorts outfit onesie thing over a long sleeve onesie. Simon took one look at the finished and dressed baby product and said, "1990 called from Portland and wants its outfit back."

While watching wobbly hands Julia try to hand feed wobbly head Sebastian pieces of her dinner, Simon said, "its like watching a couple of drunks."


  1. hahaha. my favorite is the pets comparison. also, no one can pull of a Ringer T the way simon can.

  2. Ha! If you take too many pictures, then where's the one of Sebastian-gone-grunge?
    Point: there are nevvverrrr too many pictures.

  3. This is a particularly funny round up. Haha, Portland...

  4. Always makes me laugh. Always. For the record, I always put long sleeved onesies under the girls short sleeved onesies. The short sleeved ones were cuter and it's cold in Wisconsin for much of the year.

  5. The pet comment is my fave.
    And no pics of Sebastian's 90's look? I'm disappointed.

  6. I hate to inform the world that people still wear that in Portland. Yeah...

  7. Your posts are such an easy pick-me-up

  8. Speaking of drunk babies, this is very appropriate:

  9. So which of you is the cat person, and which the dog person? Hehee!

  10. Hahaha! Good luck with the teething. ;)

  11. I read that as: While watching wobbly hands(COMMA) Julia tried to hand feed wobbly head Sebastian pieces of her dinner.

    I thought to myself, "What is Wobbly Hands? Is that a new TV show I don't know about?"

    I'm an idiot.

  12. omg seriously the most fitting comments for each situation and they are all hilariously familiar.

  13. Simon is looking skinny skinny these days!

    Also, love the pet comparison! J is totally a cat!

  14. That last one totally cracked me up!!!

  15. I call my mom and (11 year old) sister frenemies all the time - they're so similar that they always butt heads.

  16. Note to self: NEVER read Simon Says whilst drinking a cup of tea.

    Excuse me while I wipe off my computer computer screen...

  17. and i thought i was the only one on the once a week hair washing schedule (mamma of 3, ages 5, 3 and 19 months!!)
