
11 June 2012

OTI: Erica's Choice

Let the games begin. Erica's pick is up to interpret today. Let's see how I did ...
shoes: Target, pants: Target, shirt: ND bookstore, child: for sale

I went out on a long limb and donned a hat -- be gentle -- I know it looks silly. Simon asked what color my pants were and I think they are light lime green bordering on white. Who knows.

I bought these faux Toms at Target last week and I highly recommend them. I don't love the look of traditional Toms but these are a little more espadrilley and a little wider and thanks to some hidden elastic they are very comfortable. I included an up close and personal photo of them along with some serious foot veinage for your enjoyment. 

Julia is modeling no pants, her increasingly permanent security blanket: empty bottle, the dog's chew toy: one pink stray Croc I found in the garage all on a canvas of Mom -- to whom she will never ever ever let out of her sight. I'll try and blog about this awful development as much as possible because I know I haven't already. 

To see much better outfits (and a lot less ramble ramble) I would pop over to see Erica and Kayla

Hopefully some of you fine readers decided to participate and will link up below!

*please excuse the poor quality of the photos -- I forgot our camera and basically all my clothes at home in St. Louis for our trip to visit my fam. I'll be relying on the closets of my 13-year-old sister and my mom from here on out which might actually be better than my own.


  1. I think you rocked the hat! I really like it.

  2. Pistachio. That's the color I'd call the pants. Or "lime sherbet" if I wanted to get silly with it.
    I also hope lots of people link up, because I love this series!

  3. you look adorable.

  4. Love. it. Especially the jeans + fake-but-better TOMS.

    I busted out my mint jeans last night, and Spencer said with great incredulity, "green pants?" "Mint!" I replied. "Very different from green!" And your "poor quality photos" are much better than mine taken with a DSLR so...yeah.

  5. Aww, poor Julia. It must be an almost two year old thing, because mine is the same exact way! We visited my parents this weekend, and she usually loves to ignore me when they're around... not this time!

    Julia looks adorable in your hat and you look cute in your cuffed jeans! =)

  6. I'll be honest. I'm super jealous of the hat. It's been on my list for ages and I just haven't gotten one yet! This might be the push I need.

  7. cute!! yours is my favorite! I'd love to wear this!!

  8. Yay for the Notre Dame shirt! You look adorbs :)

  9. Love the outfit! Actually, I feel like I'm wearing a Grace outfit today...will upload to Insta to show you :)

    Go Irish!! xo

  10. this is my dress, but in navy blue! + Red belt and cute necklace with little tan have them I think! The Nine West ones from like 2 years ago...?

    Is it weird that I'm sending you what I'm wearing??

  11. I love love love those pants. Might have to check them out. . .

  12. You look darling. And I'm pretty sure I need to acquire a hat now. And maybe some colored jeans. Dangit!

  13. I should probably go buy those shoes. They would be more work appropriate than the slippers I usually wear.

  14. You shouldn't be hesitant about the hat- it looks awesome! And I totally agree about normal Toms looking slightly weird, but yours are great :)

  15. I am diggin' on your hat. I have been on the hunt for a good hat lately. I found a big floppy. Now I want a little ditty like that.

  16. Your interpretation is by far the best yet! and i agree, your Fake Toms are way better than the real ones. also i am impressed with sarah's photo skills. serio

  17. Could you be any cuter?, Desperately want to be a babe mom just like you, thanks for the 400 page views to my Steubenville Homeschool Love Story, have to go watch Bachelorette now ...


  18. Cute! I went with the cuffed jeans and espadrilles interpretation too... Also, I love those jeans every time I see them at Target - they look great on you!

  19. Listen Grace, I wish we were all brave enough to wear hats... and I mean out in public! Not just for the pic! I think it looks great!
