
05 June 2012

two years blogged + a linkup

I've never thought blogiversaries were worth mentioning. Even the name is ridic. Look at me go.

Hopefully I'm not miscounting but I think this blog has been alive for a whole two years today. I remember coming home from the hospital one morning after Simon was on call (as a med student -- so silly) for the night where I may or may not have Macgyvered my way into his call room that housed 1/2 of a twin bed. I was wearing scrubs and a fleece jacket (why? to cover my 23ish week bump-o-Julia? who knows) in the 98 degree heat like a smarty. I wrote this first post (cringe cringe cringe cringe), went on a waddle around the block, came home and checked on the post confused as to why I didn't already have 7 comments from all of the people that didn't know about Camp Patton.  (I eventually confessed to my bff+e that I had a blog and she confessed that she had one too. Best friends that keep e-secrets from each other. The best.)

Since then, Julia was obviously born, I wouldn't shut up about iodine, Simon graduated, we moved, and Sebastian was born and I wrote a screenplay including all unnecessary delivery details.

All I've learned since that inaugural post is how to make photos a little bit larger. I'm still totally clueless, obvi.

(Simon said, "there is no way this picture could get any more awkward -- even in the bathroom.")
two year old blogger and all she has to show for it is a sparkling kitchen, a permabraid crusted in spit up, and a hand on her hip. My, my, my.

And now for the excitement ... if you're dumb enough to have a blog (kidding, kind of) and brave enough to do so, I would love to read the first post you ever wrote ever. ever. Did you hear? ever.  There is no way it can be worse than mine. None.

Link party!!! Inappropriate music and all.

Do it up.


  1. I'll raise a glass and say "cheers!" to your blog (and that first post!) because all your entries make me smile and laugh. Happy Blogiversary! :)

  2. I'm a dork, avoiding doing actual work so I linked up first. I'm cool like that.

    I made the mistake of accidentally reading the first before I posted it. Probably shouldn't have done that. Happy blogiversary!

  3. Okay, I may or may not go to Joel's on call room when he's on call too. Most likely I will though. Is that legal? Looked down upon? Normal? I need these deets, haha!

  4. Loooove it x20394823!
    From my first post, you can clearly see that I secretly longed to make it a photography blog, realized I had no talent (natural or otherwise) and rapidly disintegrated into instagram all the way, baby.
    Can't wait to read all the firstpostgoodness.

  5. Happy, happy blogiversary! I'm so happy Camp Patton was born two years ago. The world would be a much darker place without her. ;)

  6. I shared my first blog post, which is actually from the first iteration of Vegan Mother Hubbard, back when it was a "project" blog, rather than a boring "mommy/foodie" blog. There weren't even any pictures in the post. It's not really embarrassing, except the part where there were only 11 views of it. And the part where I thought I could keep a blog going with 5 month old twins and while working full time. Ha! Your first post was fine and you're clearly doing something right.

  7. omg. remember that time i DIDNT EVEN PUT A PICTURE!?

  8. Oh man, the first post! Yours was lovely of course - mine....well, mine was lackluster to say the least. I don't think I actually had anything to say but I wanted to say *something*. Come to think of it, that may still be the case. Looking forward to reading the other firsts!

  9. My goodness, I had to look back and see what the heck I posted 5 whole years ago (5 years too early to start a blog apparently). It is so hilariously pathetic I couldn't not link up.

  10. It's pretty horrid but in an act of humility (I'm trying to get all those out before the big test) I shared. Try not to be too horrified. :)

    Happy blogday! :D

  11. I just posted mine as a true test of humility, since mine is pretty sad. This was fun!

  12. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, this is the bestest bloggiversary idea EVAH!

    And of course Simon's awkward non-bathroom comment made me literally laugh out loud.... :)

  13. omg I remember when you told me you had a blog and i told i had one too. my first one was a million times worse. i promise. but i will link up in the spirit of things. ugh mine is seriously BAD. I give a summary of my life in the first blog. cringe-worthy and ridiculously boring.

  14. I just had no idea what I was supposed to do with a blog. LOL. Within a week or two of my first post I had a child on the brink of death, and that was when I first started learning what was and wasn't worth blogging about.

  15. My post is trying so hard, I feel bad for it. Happy two years!

  16. Awesome idea! Congrats on two years, Grace!

  17. Now you've gone and made me re-read my first post. Painful!

  18. It annoyed me so much that you couldn't indent paragraphs in blogger that I literally space-barred my way to indentations in my first few posts...

  19. I'm doing it, but it doesn't mean I'm not horrified by my first attempt at entering the blog world...*double cringe*... Congrats though! I think my two year is coming up here pretty soon. I can't remember when I started rambling like an idiot, in a public sphere.

  20. Well I will give you my first post at my current blog...

    And I added below the first post I ever blogged over 7 years ago. However that blog is not up anymore and I don't know how to republish it so I copied it for you. And it was bad. I had a husband, a house in the suburbs, and a naughty dog named Brutus. I am divorced, live in an apartment in a city, and the naughty dog lives on a farm in the country. A real farm not the "dog farm" in heaven.

    - My First Official Blog... - Friday, April 08, 2005
    I am new at this so I am going to just start with small postings. I have been unsuccessful at my attempt to get links to my blog. So as soon as I can get them up and running I will let you know. I also will attempt to post some pictures in the near future.

    Today I woke up early and because it was ugly out(of course the first morning all week that I planned to walk outside) I walked on my dreadful treadmill for 2 miles. Tonight when I get home I will walk the additional mile(hopefully with my wonderful neighbor Lori, who has agreed to walk with me anytime). At this point I am walking 3 miles, 4 days a week, cross training for 30 minutes 2 days a week and resting, oh yeah resting 1 day. That will increase steadily up until the walk in September.

    I have also started my fund raising efforts. So far I have raised $100 since I registered on Wednesday night (thanks Mom, she is the best). I have also sent donation forms with my husband to work and have started to complete my letter for friends and family going into detail about why this walk is important to me. (more on that later, I will post my letter in a few weeks, when it is completed). You can see my fundraising progress at, click on the Philadelphia walk and search for my name in the donation section.

    Well this wasnt so hard. I will post more on my progress this weekend if I get a chance. Things will be busy so you might not hear from me until Monday. We have a wedding and family coming in from out of town. My sister and brother in law and their baby will be coming in for the wedding and staying with mom. I cant wait to see the baby, well he really isnt a baby anymore he is already 16 months old. Oh how time flies. Plus I will be training all weekend and studying for a huge Chemistry test next week(anyone what to take my Chem test).

  21. Well, I've linked up, but it's not technically my 1st post [that's hidden deep down w/in my shut down 1st blog site].

    Happy Blogiversary! :)

  22. p.s. This post has only been up for an hour and you already have 33 link-ups???? Dios mio! Muy famosas!

  23. Congrats on two years, Grace! We are blessed by your blogging fabulous-ity. Is that even a word? Don't answer that. I've linked my first post...when I still didn't know what I was doing. How ironic. Blessings to you!

  24. Happy Blogerversary!! And thank you for the linkup... this is a wonderful idea!

  25. I can't wait to read all of these.

  26. My first post ever was on a Livejournal. I don't think it gets nerdier than that. Luckily, the LJ has since then ceased to exist..

  27. I just re-read my first post, and it seems about as navel-gazing and useless as most of my current posts, so I'm less horrified than I thought I would be. Haven't grown up in seven years and four children. Sigh.

  28. such a fun idea. and yes, my first post is um, interesting? small photos and all!

  29. Ha, how fun! My first post outlines what my blog will be . . . and then we fast forward to today and my blog simply doesn't follow the schedule at all. Hmmm...

  30. Congrats on reaching 2 years. Great idea to share first posts. I think we are all a little wary of whats ahead when writing the first one. Love your blog. Looking forward to lots more to come.

  31. Ha! Happy Blogiversary! I'm celebrating by linking up for the first time ever...not sure if I did it right and sure to be a boring let-down to anyone brave enough to stop by but...I did it!

  32. Hahaha! I love it! Great cringe-worthy idea!!! Happy Blogiversary!! :-)

  33. hey, you know how to throw an awesome link party, that's more than i can say for myself!! (a seasoned blogger!)

  34. Mine is so lame. So pretty much like the 4.5 years of blogging that has followed. Ah well :)

  35. Woot! 2 years is older than your children, and every house plant I've ever owned....possibly the collective age of every houseplant I've ever owned....but I digress!

    Love your blog Grace!

  36. Thanks for fixing that Grace, you and your blog are the best!!

  37. oh puhlease! you're super fab...and i have an inkling you (and julia) know it.

  38. Is it weird that I totally love your first post, too? Happy blogiversary!

  39. Happy blogiversary to you! It's my 6th blogiversiry today and I'm hosting a giveaway. :-)

  40. Congratulations! A blog and two babies in two years' time! Nicely done! How you have time to braid your hair, I don't know, but your blog is a joy.

    Having a hard time believing my first post was a gluten-free cinnamon bun recipe. Weird. No introduction or whatever.

  41. Congrats on the two year anniversary of your blog! Which I love BTW!

    And no, I can't do it (link up the 1st post ever, that is) - it's that bad!

  42. Funny, I actually just went back to read my first post like 2 days ago. It's kind of a boring one.

    Happy 2 years!!

  43. Congrats on 2 years! Here's too many more... for my sake, please. :)

    Meggy from Chasing Davies

  44. Congrats on two years. Sure is funny to go back and see my first post. Wasn't much and yet it was something!

  45. O man. My first blog was called Mom of Many Hats. I now realize that I hate alliteration and most hats. I love my new blog a lot more, and I can't wait until I look back on this one and laugh at myself too.

    Super duper idea for a link up. Lovin' it. ba da bop ba dah.

  46. O my word. I read your first post after I wrote that comment. Alliteration, huh? Hm. Awk. Sorryish.

  47. My blog is like 5 years old and was apparently inspired by an ill-fated trip to Gabriel Brother's back in the day... white trash much?

  48. Happy 2 years! Thanks for all of the laughs and inspiration!

  49. Happy blogiversary! It's a reason to toast, I say (however late I am to the party)

  50. Yea 2 years!!

    I linked up, but be warned. I don't think I wrote a read-able post for the first year. Ugh ugh ugh I cringe just thinking about it. What am I saying, I'm still not sure I write readable posts. Oh well!

  51. i know this is ancient news, but i just found it. i linked up my also cringe-worthy 1st post and am kind of embarrassed that I'm kind of tempted to spend my entire thanksgiving-eve reading every single last one of these links and feasting on the awkwardness of them all
