
26 July 2012

50+ shades of thanks

Wow. 51 comments? Too much nice. Way too much for this undeserving professional complainer.

I feel like I accidentally (but seemingly obnoxiously) went fishing for compliments in yesterday's post and caught myself a very large whale that I will mount and go admire when I'm having a rough day/hour/minute/second etc. I won't melt into a ball of mush but I can't tell you how much I appreciated all of your insanely kind comments and the many emails from the comment virgins.

And please don't worry about any near or distant future moratorium on blogging here at the Camp. I enjoy recording my daily life gripes far too much to ever actually do anything that ridic.

emoticon hearts and maybe I cracked a :)


  1. wo-hoah. scared me for a sec on that title. You can also add me to your mounted whale of awesomeness. You are a blogging rockstar.

  2. Just re-found your blog after a bit of a break. i had my 3rd child 6 months ago.. my eldest was 3.5 and middle child was 2... and juggling 3 dependent kids is tough and tiring but you tell it like it is and its hilarious... I relate 100%
    Someone made the comment before about we love our kids but some days we just don't LIKE them... and that's just how it is with being a parent. we've made the biggest sacrifice to have kids and do the hardest job in the world ... why aren't we allowed to vent when its been a tough day?!? Anon must not be a parent or has never had a bad day or two at work.
    keep up the blogging ... you've got a big fan club!!

  3. I thought of you today when I found myself pleading with my 2 year old about eating out of the garbage can, "No, no, Griffy, food in the garbage is icky. We CANNOT EAT food out of the garbage! Eww..." We have the same talk about 5 times a day. He doesn't care.

  4. Good!! If you stopped blogging, I would cry. Parents who can't have a sense of humor about it are no fun. These stories will make for wonderful blackmail and embarrassment when the little ones start dating.

  5. ok, i just removed vaseline from my packing list.

  6. I didn't want to be like all those boring people who wished you a happy birthday on your actual birthday, so here I am now, on the three-day anniversary of your big day, to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  7. This is what happens when I go on vacation and then come back to read my blogs ("soaps" for today's gen) in reverse order. I don't know what's going on. Excuse me while I head back in time.
