
13 July 2012

7 Quick Takes

Joining Jennifer Fulwiler, Blogger Extraordinaire.

1. We'll start with the most important take of the day: Heidi and her sweet family are in the process of adopting a little boy by the name of Peter through Reece's Rainbow. They are in need of a little more lettuce for the costly fees and so as an incentive for those that are kind enough to help her spread the word and donate to the great cause she has a pretty cool giveaway going on involving a big, bad (albeit lightweight) Macbook Air!!! Hop on over and do your good deed for the week. Every little bit really does help.

2. And onto the second most important take of the day: a 70-year-old female runner (not to be confused with a jogger) very speedily passed me on my jog (not to be confused with a run) this morning. I hope the back of her head is still sore from where my annoyed pupils shot a brief (but strong) laser scowl in her exact direction before she sprinted off into the abyss across the street.

3. I'm on day 4 of Jillian Stupid Michaels' 30 day Shred. I've done it a few times and I don't hate it but I don't love it. She is probably the most annoying person on exercise DVD but it's a manageable length of time and I guess I don't have any other reason for doing it. To make it extra awful, I started watching Dawson's Creek while I don't listen to a muted Michaels order me and her onscreen minions around. So far, it's about as terrible as Felicity which means I will continue to watch. Lose and lose.

4. Let's type Bachelorette. I know everyone loves Jef but he really needs to stop saying "pitcher" when he means "picture". I realize if this is the biggest problem I have with the show than I have serious problems myself but come on - piCture, please. I felt bad for googly eyes getting the boot but his exit was 50 shades classier than whinypants Chris's was last week. Also, meet my new favorite blog that covers all things Bachelorette (c/o Ashley). 

5. Simon is working a trillion hour shift this weekend so I really am going to put clothes up for sale like I said I was going to last week. I know you were all very anxious about when exactly that was going to go down. I will also be watching a lot of Dawson's Creek. And not feeling sorry for myself.

6. Sebastian has almost mastered holding his own bottle of generic formula all by himself and Julia seems to be less attached to taking her faux fur hot and heavy blankie and empty bottle out in public these days. Only the best and greatest strides for the short Pattons. Oh -- and here is a clip of the angels playing their version of tag. I'd like to think that Julia is emulating my jogging speed. And yes, Sebastian is eating toilet paper. I prefer that to the toilet water he would rather be drinking but we've reached a happy tp compromise. Who's the boss? Not I.

7. If you don't have the pleasure of being Simon's friend on Facebook (which isn't a pleasure at all -- I think he has logged on approximately one time since 2009, maybe) you may have missed this little diamond that was posted from his high school days:
he claims they were dressed up 'for some sort of 70's theme'

???? looks like the roaring crowd behind him and his fellow glistening chests didn't quite get that memo.

Have a nice Friday.


  1. I've been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred too! Don't you feel a little bad for Anita? Jillian makes about a million comments on how bad a$% Natalie is. I'm sure Anita didn't CHOOSE to be the "beginner version". 2 cents!

    1. HA! I think that exact same thing about Anita too...poor thing.

    2. Reading this years later, but I think the same thing.

  2. What is it with husbands and the lack of facebooking? Do they not love us or something????

  3. Okay that is so funny because Maria said the same thing about Jillian and her annoyingness....but she still goes back. It gives a good work out, no?
    And I agree with you on all things Bachelorette. LOVED Sean and his exit prose broke my heart. However, he was a little bland in convo and if I were Emily, oogly eyes would have been a little much for me too. Pitcher....throws me over the edge. Still rooting for him over make out boy.
    Continue the commentary por favor.

  4. P.S. My family was scandalized that I watched the show. I admitedly am ashamed, but of all seasons, this one was somewhat clean?? ;)

  5. Steven won't use Facebook either (but also won't get rid of it). How is anyone going to know he wished me a happy birthday if it's not on Facebook?

    Oh and good luck with the closet cleaning, if you feel so inclined you can head her and tackle mine too. :)

  6. okay one, that video is freaking awesome and i can honestly say (having been behind you on many a jog) that Julie runs JUST like you. Not even joking. it was weird watching her run, cause i felt like i was watching a short, squat, chubby legged YOU. Also, I am so very glad you posted Simon's photo. I love it.

  7. While I love the glistening chest, I think my favorite is the tortoise shelled (but just the top of the frames) glasses. Or are those his eyebrows? I cannot tell but I love it either way.

  8. I own the 30 Day Shred too. I trot it out on occasion, when I need a break from running. On the 2 or 3 days that I actually exercise. The video is adorable - I kept waiting for Julia to run at Sebastian and ram the stroller into him. It seemed like the thought was there towards the end, but she resisted.....!

  9. So I started watching The Bachelorette because 1) I've been bored and 2) You write about it all the time and I was curious! And there's something about Jef I don't like - maybe it's because he can't pronounce picture, but whatev. Arie is the one Emily clearly has eyes for.

    That pitcher of Simon is a gem.

  10. Shoot, thank you for that link to the the Bachelorette blog. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Nobody I know (besides me) watches the Bachelorette because the are all Very Virtuous People. Go them. 30 day shred is the devil. I couldn't walk downstairs for days. How healthy is that?

  11. spencer says to me - why are you watching a video of someone else's kids?

  12. Oh Dawson's Creek, where my love for Katie Holmes blossomed. Then I heard she *almost* went to Steubie. Looks like we're getting her back from the dark side! I have Jillian's DVD but I do it randomly. I've never actually done the 30 day progression - maybe then it would work???

  13. I can see why you married him, you lucky duck!

    Also, I need tips for working out with one baby. I have I used to be so fit and in shape and whatnot until the belly stretcher came along.

    And, whoo hoo! Swapping clothes!

  14. First, props for not giggling like a hyena (that would be me) while recording this and secondly, how funny is Julia to almoooooooost let Sebastian catch her and then run squealing to the other side of the room. How chivalrous for him to continue to chase her!

  15. Your blog posts always make me smile, chuckle, or both. :) Have a great weekend watching you have me in the mood to watch too!

  16. I read (stalk) your blog a lot and I have noticed that you watch a lot of netflix (like me!) and get stuck on crummy tv series (also like me, one tree hill *ugh!*) so I wanted to reccomend one to you that doesn't suck! It's called pretty little liars and it's only fault is that it is still running on abc family so there are only 2 seasons on netflix. That and it is a little suspensful! Hope you like it! :))

  17. I don't know what is better. Simon's rockin' suit sans shirt or Sebastian's impersonation of a swamp monster.

    Love em both!

    And Little J is looking cute as ever!!!!

  18. Wow, he really does slither! Hilarious!

  19. Ha, I am doing Jillian's 30-Day Shred too (although not much shredding seems to be happening). I also turn down the volume, but I listen to NPR instead, because I'm very refined like that. It leads to a confused baby (and sometimes a confused mommy).

  20. hahaha Jillian IS totally annoying, i've done the 30 day shred before never 30 days consecutively..oops! i have recently started jogging (definitely not running)...and hate it, but i'm trying to stick with it! exercise seems overrated..

  21. Thank you so much for linking to my blog! I'm so glad you love the posts! And now I'm so glad I found your blog! Wooooo blog friends. Too much?

  22. i read this blog for bach news.
