
30 August 2012

Simon Says

Don't look at the camera, Grandpa. It only encourages her.

In response to a potential boy name a fickle Grace threw his way Simon confidently said, "I think it's early enough in the pregnancy that I don't have to worry about that being a possibility ... but my official answer is no."

While discussing whether or not someone manufactured triple joggers Simon said, "they probably come with endless refills of Xanax."

After watching me go for the 5th time and lay Sebastian back down in his cage during the 'I'll scream and I'll scream and I'll shake this crib down' segment of bedtime Simon said, "you should probably just always wear a shirt that says, 'Enabler.'"

When I returned from my trip with the kids a few weeks ago Simon warned, "in case you should happen to stumble upon my Youtube viewing history just know that I was on a bit of a Hanson kick in your absence."

After listening to my melodramatic recap of discovering Sebastian eating notchocolate Simon said, "I'm just excited for January when over half this family will be both illiterate and still in diapers."

On a recent road trip with 2.5 (million) hours to drive until we reached our destination Simon shouted over Sebastian's inconsolable screams, "I'd say our glass is about a quarter full right now."

After enduring a few hours of a super fun Grace on the same road trip and in response to Grace calling him a party pooper for not wanting to listen to a certain top 40 ditty Simon said, "if I'm a party pooper then you are absolutely party diarrhea."


  1. These remain my favorite posts ever ever ever.

    The bit about Hanson had me rolling.

  2. These posts pretty much make my day. I'm fairly sure our husbands would get a long great while we drank wine and forgot that our children were destroying all our worldly possessions.

  3. How do you keep a straight face around him?! I'd be laughing all the time!

  4. That last one had me laughing so hard I nearly hit my head on the desk. And Jamie just came up to say, "Wat hwunny? wat hwunny???" which he now does every time someone laughs at something...

    Hi! I've been stalking for a while now. :) Glad to meet ya.

  5. party diarrhea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I'm gonna have to say that all the time now.

  6. I think you guys should set up a live feed in your home, so we can see this stuff LIVE. It's too good to be reading about.

  7. Was just thinking another Simon Says post was due... And yes, I do have too much time on my hands. Ha.

    Thanks for making me crack a smile today.

  8. I love that Simon was jamming to Hanson! Gotta be honest, they're still one of my favorite bands

  9. I am thinking of all kinds of situations where I can tell someone they are party diarrhea now. I just need to be patient.

  10. this was an extra treat... party diarhea......oh my. and hanson? as in mm bop or some of the lesser known (as in WHO KNOWS THEM) hits?

  11. I enjoy the Simon Says posts so very much that I'm really looking forward to when your kids can talk more.

  12. Not sure which shirt I want to have printed up for you: "Enabler" or "Party Diarrhea".
    Toss up.
    But if your lady lumps are really as small as you're always insisting they are, I guess I should stick with the shorter option.

  13. You guys are officially the Kardashians of the Catholic blogosphere. Congrats.

  14. Party Diarrhea!!! Oh. my. goodness.!!

  15. I think we can all agree that Party Diarrhea is one of the GEMS of this post. We will all go forth now, looking for opportunities to whip that descriptor out. With glee. All thanks to your blog Grace!

  16. Great post. But party diarrhea? Indeed the hands-down winner. :)
