
08 September 2012

7 Quick Takes

Joining Jen ...................... again.

1. Posting against my current disposition's better judgment. The disposition that is fighting to be sunny on a call weekend that promises indulgent amounts of blissful sleep and hours of quality family time but is landing somewhere more along the lines of NOPE.

2. "But Grace, you were in a bad mood yesterday. Two days in a row is taking it a little far down the melodramatic and obnoxious pike."

I know and I completely agree.

3. e ~A    <------- Sebastian typed this a million hours earlier when I tried to pound out and drop this post for you kind folk. Leaving it. I'll probably print, frame, and hang it next to the zero printed, framed, and hung photos of his person later on. 

4. On a vain note -- is middish September too early to paint my fingernails my favorite hue of purple-black? Simon loves it when I "go goth" and I'm in the mood to do a "craft" ... today just might be the day.

5. I braved the monsoon that descended upon Saint Louis this evening to wrap the kids in bath towels, sprint them to the van, curse our driveway's slick incline, and go visit our missing patriarch at his first home ...
Don't worry, Sebastian was wearing sterile gloves and knee pads. The hospital floor stayed Sebastian-cootie-free.

We were on our way to eat cafeteria Thanksgiving food (that I will not audibly admit was v. v. v. v. delicious) when Simon observed, "Julia's pants certainly leave very little to the imagination"...
I don't know what on earth he is talking about. She's in between sizes - leave a sister alone.

6. Overall I was happy I forced Simon to take the time to see us in the midst of his totally boring evening on labor and crazy because we all had a phenom time ...
I swear it. (Please note my great determination to not let the 3 pixels nor Julia ruin this photo with a flash of flesh, a scowl, and a left handed display of fresh)

7. And because I am v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. v. tired of waiting for the replacement filter for the humidifier to arrive by horseback from Russia ... I had no choice but to go back ...
to the land of shameless mirror photos.

I think we gleaned a minimum of 45 glares as Julia hacked up the remaining shreds of her lungs at an hour that was way past an acceptable bedtime for medium-sized children. But some Mucinex (added to my treasure trove of worthless meds), one working humidifier, and Vicks slathered all over every non-diapered centimeter of her body later -- she is finally breaking some serious sleep records for the week and I am boring you yet again with run-on prattle about children's sickness and one mother's quest for a cure. I hope you lived to raise allergy awareness on our behalf.

Have a great weekend.

(and if you don't ... you know where to come and find solidarity in my prickly open arms)


  1. i like you. will you be my friend.

    (seriously, i spent HOURS reading your archives a few weeks back.)

    1. Wow-so glad i'm not the only one who has done that. PS-took me 20 hours spaced over several days. PSS-i have a boring job that requires hours at a desk. don't judge ;)

  2. absolutely. especially if the offer still stands after you read the dreaded ........... archives.

  3. I am jealous of your situation. Really! For us it would be impossible to go and visit baby-daddy at work. Unless having toddlers and their mothers on war ships is the way to bring peace to Earth... In no way am I trying to kill your snark, though! Because more often than not it is what gets me through my days! So, if you would like to post more regularly (say - 3 times a day?) or direct me toward other similarily dispositioned bloggers then I would be v.v.v.v.v.v. grateful.

  4. Ahhhh... Target... my other home away from home.

    At that happy place two days ago, I found a press pot on the end cap for $3.88. That to replace the *second* Bodum pot that has dared to break itself from the tinest of tippy taps against the side of my sink.

    There's your piece of random Target happiness to share with you. But I'm really not digging the bright colored hot pants there right now. Maybe that's because I'm a pear.

  5. Wait. purple-black nail polish has a "season"? Like, singular? And it's considered "goth"?

  6. Guuurl, your brood needs wellness. Poor Julia. BTDubs, I've been fighting the urge to varnish my fingers with my favorite dark taupe-y poop brown. I may be inspired to just go for it. I will if you will.

  7. Oh, thank you, Grace. Whenever I am having a tough day (most of the time), I know you will never fail to provide a laugh and give me better perspective on my world. If only I could pain the picture of my day as colorfully as you do, I might be able to laugh about it even more.

  8. Perfect way to start my Saturday... Giggling my way through another post. Looove it!

  9. I LOVE your posts! It's obvious that you enjoy motherhood (really). I'm sorry for the allergies at your house. A non sleeping toddler is NOT a pretty sight! You are doing a GREAT job. Hang in there! p.s. Target has and always will rock! Glad you're on that bandwagon!

  10. In between sizes, such a tough place to be. I feel ya, Little J.

  11. First off, my mother in law and I were just talking about this; it's Septmeber and time to pull out the super dark polish. I shall be doing mine this weekend and "going goth" right along with you.
    Secondly, hang in there. That sounds like a super long weekend trying to herd everyone around. The twins are gone until tonight, so I only had one very small, very fat child waking me up every two hours to eat TWO bottles. That's right...TWO bottles. He was supposed to eat less than the twins. So much for that plan.
    From one tired sister to the next....we'll drink wine and laugh about this later in life....right?

  12. Sincerely, Paige.

    I commented with the Husband's profile, just in case you can't tell.

  13. Found my way here through Conversion Diary a few months ago and as the mother of 3 children (ages 3,2, 9 weeks) I just really REALLY enjoy your blog! Sometimes it's like you've peeked inside my head and typed out my internal dialogue and it makes me happy :)

  14. In love with your blog & how fashionable you make your children :) I will also admit to super-stalking your past archives since stumbling upon Camp Patton.


  15. I think for your "craft" you should let Julia paint your nails. That should liven up your Saturday.....!

  16. Talk to me about your bag, woman. What is that glorious accessory and where can I get one of my own? I need it!

  17. I'm not sure what your shade is, but if it's anything similar to OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark, then it's totally appropriate. I painted my nails that lovely hue as soon as August hiccuped itself into September. You're not alone.

    1. yes, that one is my fave! I also will use Little Brown Dress by Essie -- it seems to not chip and it dries super fast which I greatly appreciate. Let me know if you find any others in a similar family. Can't get enough of my goth.
